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2 Simple Ways to Be a More Effective Solopreneur

coaching for solopreneurs

Starting a new business can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. If you’ve made the decision to begin your next life chapter solo, you might have more questions than answers. Being a solopreneur can be a rewarding career, but it’s not without its challenges. Apply these tips to become the most savvy, effective solo business owner possible.

Set Clear Expectations from the Beginning

When you land your first project or client, it can be tempting to say yes without asking many questions about the scope of the work. This could prove to be a costly mistake. Here’s an example: say you’re a web developer and a client asks you to put together a more responsive landing page. After completing the project, the client sends it back, saying it needs more revisions. After a revision, you send it back and the client still requests fine tuning. Here, you have two unattractive options:

  • do more work than you signed up for, or;
  • say no and run the risk of never getting any work from this client again.

Unclear expectations can wreak havoc on entrepreneurs, especially since soloprenuers have less time and fewer resources than other companies. Rather than finding yourself in a situation that’s “no one’s fault and everyone’s fault,” set clear boundaries and stick to them when necessary. When approaching a new job, ask a new client: “What are your expectations and desired outcomes for this project?” This will make it much easier for you to deliver.

Hire A Solopreneur Coach

why solopreneurs need a coachBeing a solopreneur is uncharted territory. A coach can help you achieve your goals in a measured, achievable, and consistent way. Solopreneur coaching:

  • Teaches you about current marketing trends. Being a solopreneur means you’ll have to be the whole package: a marketing guru, a sales lead, an analyst. A solopreneur coach will teach you tactics about marketing your clients and reaching your target demographic.
  • Helps you identify your assets and liabilities. Each business owner has their strengths and weak spots. A solopreneur coach will help you maximize your strengths while filling knowledge gaps and addressing potential weaknesses in your business plan.
  • Helps you manage your time effectively. There are so many hours in the day, and applying effective strategies can help you make the most of them.

Being a solopreneur is rewarding, yet hard work. With the right approach, you can become an effective business owner and retain your customers for years to come. Follow these tips to make the most of your new enterprise.

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