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Our Final Course Connections on September 3rd, 2015 Was a Smashing Success!

Susan Ascher Course Connections Golf Networking EventOur final Course Connections on September 3rd, 2015 was a smashing success and I want to thank all of you who came out to play golf and network with a FANTASTIC group of folks!

According to an article published by The Economist, company owners and executives who don’t play golf earn 17 percent less in pay, on average, than those who do! There is a strong correlation between playing golf to being successful in business. To quote Jack Russell, Senior Vice President of a Major Multi-national Financial Services Conglomerate: “I played golf in college and more than my economics, degree, golf has been a door opener and a deal closer.”

Closing the season of Course ConnectionsGolf as a Networking Tool

Course Connections was held four times from May through September at Montclair Golf Club in West Orange, New Jersey .This year’s sponsors included Kate Sweeney of Morgan Stanley, Karolina Dehnhard of Budd Larner, PC, Sally Glick (not present) of Sobel and Co, CPA’s, Vince Egan of Benjamin Edwards and Amy Delman of Amy Delman Public Relations. Instruction was headed up by Joe Haggerty, PGA professional and  his fellow pros which include Brian Dobbie, Ben Schade and Ross Seaman. What a great TEAM!!!

The Best Part Was the PEOPLE!

Course Connections Group Photo

The best part of these events were the PEOPLE! Think Honorable Retired Judge, Family Law and Matrimonial Attorney, Personal CEO, Wealth Manager, Event Planner, Title Insurance Producer, Publicist, Nurse, Executive Recruiter,  Consulting Engineer, College Graduates, Executive Coach/ Business Strategist, Chief Marketing Officer and Partners from National Accounting and Legal Firms! The best part is that the event spans five generations, all connected through the love of golf, people and the desire to make GOLF A NETWORKING TOOL!

With the fall coming and  THE GREAT FUN AND CONNECTIONS WE MADE, I decided to carry the event forward as Culinary Connections! Our presenting sponsor Karolina Dehnhard, Esq. and Budd Larner!  Is as passionate about food and great networking as I am! We will be breaking bread and drinking fine wine and cocktails, while learning how to make some simple but great dishes from great chefs. The first event is scheduled for Wednesday October 28th at The Renaissance Hotel in Rutherford, New Jersey. SAVE THE DATE!!

If you wish to sponsor, or have a suggestion for a venue or chef, just email me at [email protected] or call me at 973.919.8180.