6 Tips for Turning Your Customers into Valuable Marketing Assets

Free Advertising While Building Trust: Why Customer-Driven Brand Advocacy is Vital to Sales

customerThe role of the sales representative has greatly evolved from a cold-calling brand and product pitching position to a lead nurturing and purchase-enabling position. Often, the best marketing and sales teams work together to seamlessly move a lead through the sales cycle. Customer-driven brand advocacy enhances the sales team’s ability to close deals effortlessly.

The Difference between Customer Advocacy and Brand Influencers

Online you will find some difference of opinion about customer advocacy. Customer advocates are not customers. They are employees who focus on the customer experience and help businesses make strategic decisions around customer needs.

Brand influencers, on the other hand, are consumers and customers who write reviews and discuss brand experiences online. Companies of all sizes can and do leverage brand influencers to improve business processes, products, and the customer experience. Here are some insights into how customer advocates and companies commonly encourage customers to become valuable brand resources:

  • Launching loyalty programs and providing referral incentives – Loyalty programs give something back to the consumer, but they also represent an opportunity for brand conversations. Every time a customer uses a loyalty card or receives a great deal, he or she has an opportunity to highlight the benefits of the brand to others.
  • Developing brand influencer relationships – Many companies today are building brand influencer partnerships. Well known vloggers and bloggers review or mention certain products or services to improve brand visibility. They act independently and are not hired marketers. Brand influencer relationships and customer-created content increase market exposure in a way that helps both consumers and companies.
  • Engaging with consumers online – Social media interactions humanize a brand. Whether a company is responding to an inquiry or engaging in trending conversations, these small interactions strengthen brand visibility. Use carefully crafted content to encourage social media users and customers to talk about your products. Online communications are more important than ever for strengthening customer awareness and loyalty.
  • Bringing groups of consumers together – Encourage your target market to interact with brand influencers and references through roundtable discussions, teleconferences, and other events. Doing so demonstrates a brand’s commitment to customer outcomes, not just sales data.
  • Optimizing the brand experience – Every touch point a company has with consumers is an opportunity to earn a brand influencer or a new acquisition. Instead of focusing on the short-term sales goals, encourage sales teams to focus on building a great experience along the way.
  • Recognize customers – A customer who has a great experience is a natural sales representative for your company. You can either onboard loyal customers or invite them to events that are mutually beneficial, such as product launches or networking engagements. Recognizing natural influencers helps them, other consumers, and your brand. It’s organic and it works.

Sales representatives who leverage natural brand advocates can focus on providing real value for the customers. Customer-centric sales activities allow consumers to take the lead while a brand facilitates the natural sales cycle progression. If your sales game is not producing the results your business needs, then it may be time to try a different approach. Enable your customers to sell your products and services with the right tools and support.

Need more sales advice? Check out my Sales/Business Development Coaching program.

Additional Resources:
How to Create True Customer Advocates
How To Create A Customer Advocacy Program
The Essential Role of a Customer Advocacy Office

Time to Make a Change? 5 Tips for Switching Careers

Things to Consider When You’re Thinking about Changing Careers

changeIf you’re not happy with your current career, then it might be time for a career change. Making the change takes understanding, planning, and commitment. In fact, searching for a new career can feel like a job itself! This is what you need to know before you get in over your head, or talk yourself out of making the change.

1. Understand When a Career Change is Right

Unless you understand exactly what makes you unhappy, you may not find fulfillment in a new career. You may think you need a new career when you really need a new atmosphere. If you hate working in front of a computer all day, moving from a billing coordinator position to an editor position may not make much sense. Do you need a career that offers more flexibility, creativity, or work diversity?

2. Don’t Go Overboard with Self-Help

If you are completely lost, some career aptitude testing and self-help reading can give you direction. However, you will find hundreds of books and hundreds of online quizzes and tests that promise to offer insight. Remember you are the only authority on you. Use self-help tools to get started, but listen to your inner voice above all. Too much career research may only confuse you more.

3. Ask for Help

Enlist your network, friends, and family for support. Changing careers can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Your support network may help you identify leads, give you pep talks when needed, and brainstorm with you about next steps. If you need or want extra assistance, a career coach can help you find your brand, develop a plan, and learn how to sell yourself when you start applying for jobs.

4. Develop a Plan

Some people can walk out of the door in the morning and find a fulfilling job at the end of the day, but most people need to develop a plan first. Once you identify your target career, ask yourself:

  • What is my definition of success? – Financial security, flexibility, and creative license may all play a role in what makes a job fulfilling for you.
  • Will I need to pursue further education to become a viable candidate? – Look for tuition reimbursement programs and one-off classes to build your skillset.
  • Who do I know in this field who can help me succeed? – Find a mentor who can provide valuable insight and connections.

Creating an actionable plan will help you get the ball rolling and give you clear goals for your career change.


5. Don’t Give Up

If you want to start your own business, go down a completely different career path, or find a new job environment, make the commitment to change today. Many people find themselves stuck in a dead-end or unfulfilling career because they’re afraid of taking a risk. You will never find happiness or success without accepting the chance of failure and the possibility of success.

Changing careers starts with baby steps. Hardly anyone can wake up one morning, decide to run a marathon, and complete the course. You don’t have to do everything tomorrow. You only need to take one small step. Reach out to an old acquaintance who works in your potential career field. Update your resume. Do something every day to help you change your career.

CLICK HERE to learn more with my Career Coaching program.

Additional Resources:
10 Tips for Changing Careers Without Losing Your Mind
What’s Next? Ten Tips for Career Changers
6 Tips for Making a Successful Career Change

From Failures to Opportunities: 7 Tips for Bouncing Back

Success rarely follows a straight path.


In fact, many successful individuals fail over and over again before achieving something great. Abraham Lincoln failed repeatedly before becoming one of the greatest presidents this country has seen. Bill Gates’ first company failed. Thomas Edison’s teachers put him down before he changed the world with his inventions. If you have failed, that only means you have tried. The only true failure lies in giving up.

Finding the Silver Lining: Creating Opportunities from Failure

If your business or career is experiencing some setbacks or utter failure, use the opportunity to rethink your strategy and begin again. Here are some tips to keep a failure from stopping you in your tracks:

  1. Take a moment to breathe – Some individuals successfully compartmentalize their failures. Others, however, experience strong feelings during times of success and failure. Always take time to reorient your brain after a failure. Failure does not reflect poorly on you, your character, or your worth. Watch some Ted Talks or read an inspirational book – When you start again, you need complete commitment.
  2. Get some outside advice – The most valuable assets you have in your career or business are people. You can’t correct your course unless you know what went wrong and have some ideas for starting over. Talk to industry veterans, professional entrepreneurs, and anyone you meet. You never know when a small interaction will create that “aha!” moment.
  3. Don’t ignore reputation management – Big and small failures can lead to rumors and reputation damage. If you have an online presence, take the time to proactively address your situation and do some damage control. Set the record straight, but do not engage with cheap attention-getting tactics.
  4. Prepare for future failures – Succeeding in life means taking calculated risks. You will always face the risk of failure in the future. In the meantime, focus on how you can minimize those risks and prepare to absorb future failures with some careful planning and budgeting.
  5. light-bulb-grow

  6. Learn something new – Failure presents a great opportunity to make yourself stronger. Attend a seminar, volunteer somewhere, or enroll in a class. Not only will you develop a new skill, you may also find your next calling, a mentor, or a business partner.
  7. Recognize when it’s time to abandon a sinking ship – You will invariably make tough decisions along the way, and sometimes you may not have a clear idea of the “right” choice. In a traditional career or as an entrepreneur/business owner, give yourself about 2-3 years to find success. If you can’t make it work financially or emotionally in that timeframe, consider moving on to another adventure.
  8. Care for yourself first – Burnout is a real thing, and it can compound the effects of failure. Successful people invest in more than their work; they invest in themselves. Eat right, get enough sleep, and exercise. Take time to laugh and see a therapist if needed.

Mental Fortitude

Half of succeeding after a setback is about mental fortitude, and the other half is hard work. If you can accept that failure is part of life, avoid taking yourself too seriously, and get back up and try again, you will find your silver lining.

Learn about Career coaching, CLICK HERE.

Additional Resources:
5 Ways To Bounce Back From ‘Failure’ In Your Career
12 Psychological Tips About Recovering From Failure
How to Handle Business Failure


Cordially Invites You to:

Da Benito Ristorante in Union, NJ
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 ♦ 6:30-8:30pm

karolina vince suasn culinary connections 2016Join Chef Benito Hissen in the Wine Room at his gloriously old school restaurant, da Benito, who The Star Ledger recently awarded 3 ½ stars. Born in Northern Italy, Benito came to the United States when he was 16. He is a graduate of the French Culinary Institute, but before he earned that degree, he established his culinary foundation in a few imposing kitchens: one was the legendary (and now shuttered) Giambelli 50th Restaurant, long considered a sanctuary of elegance in New York City. Among his many guests have been Yogi Berra, Bill Clinton and Frank Sinatra.

Please join us over a selection of tastings to be savored and paired from an extensive, carefully assembled wine collection.

Culinary Connections

de benitos2Culinary Connections is a meetup for professionals from all walks of business who are passionate about making the right connections over great wine and food.

No special skills required – just a love of great people, great wine and great food!

Due to the nature of this special event, attendance will be capped at 40 attendees.


WHEN: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 • 6:30-8:30pm
WHERE: Da Benito Ristorante in Union, NJ
COST: $95.00 per person

With special thanks to our sponsors:

sponsors 3 3 16

Here’s what people are saying:

“Thank you for having me last Wednesday! I really enjoyed the culinary portion of the event as well as the networking.”
– Richard Sodeke, Media Sales Associate at Felix

“What a lovely evening last night.  I loved that we were standing in the kitchen  watching the handsome chef with his adorable French accent, cooking delicious food that we could eat immediately.  How often does one get that opportunity to see behind the scenes, other than on television where it sometimes seems scripted?  The event was beautiful, the location  was stunning, and the camaraderie in the room – priceless!”
– Eileen Berman, eileenbergman.com

“Great event last night, truly.  Thank you! When I hit the road and sat in the driving rain and traffic coming from Newark, I thought about how nice it would be to go home! Boy am I glad that I made the commitment to you (and to me) to come because I would have missed a wonderful time meeting great folks.”
– Lori Chapin, Attorney, Sedgwick, LLP

“Thank you for a great event! I adored your friends and clients.”
– Denise Gaffney, Area Development Manager, Etcetera; Regional VP, National Association of Professional Women

“The Restaurant Serenade installment of Culinary Connections was excellent – great food and wine as well as great new faces to share it with. I look forward to the next Culinary Connections event in April and joining the Course Connections group in the spring.”
– Marty Eide, Attorney, Markel Corporation

Da Benito

Da Benito Restaurant in Union NJ – Chef Benito Hissen


WHEN: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 • 6:30-8:30pm
WHERE: Da Benito Ristorante in Union, NJ
COST: $95.00 per person



  • Thursday, May 19th
  • Thursday, June 23rd
  • Thursday, July 21st
  • Thursday, September 22nd




Solopreneurship and the Art of Networking

Networking Holds the Key to Your Solopreneur Success

business-womanTaking on a solo enterprise can be a daunting – and often lonely – prospect. It’s not wise to sequester yourself away and commit to a career without help. Networking is an important contributing factor to your initial and continued success. How do you network as a solopreneur? It’s actually easier than you think. Check out how strategic partnerships can benefit you (and your business) as you both grow.

Find the Right People

Technology makes finding like-minded individuals a breeze. Thanks to today’s interconnected world, you can collaborate with people who share your vision virtually, from anywhere on the globe. Join a problem solving forum, or create a community where you can meet with others and share your ideas. You can search for meetings by industry or discipline using a website like Meetup, which connects people both face-to-face and virtually.

Seek Out Formal Help

Part of being a successful solopreneur is to never stop innovating, and one way to achieve that is to be committed to your learning. You don’t necessarily have to go back to school and get your MBA to achieve this (though that’s a great option). Look into extension courses and business classes through your local community college, or tap into online resources like coursera.org. These types of programs will link you to like-minded individuals with whom you can swap ideas, or just commiserate over a beer or cup of coffee.

Another avenue for formal help is leadership or solopreneur coaching. Coaches can help you design a business plan, hone your vision, establish your brand, or help you with your weaker aspects of running a business.

Don’t Meet With People Who Think Just Like You

We tend to be drawn to people who share our values or think like we do by nature. It’s comforting to share opinions and trade ideas with people who are just like us, but it’s not always beneficial. Communing with those who are different from us can be a valuable exercise. Meeting people with different perspectives serves a couple of different purposes:

Explaining your business plan or vision to someone from a completely different industry can provide you with a much needed dissimilar outlook. It’s easy for someone with industry experience to agree with you or understand your perspective; but explaining your idea to someone else entirely is much like pitching to a customer.

If you’re faced with a vexing business problem, running it under a fresh set of eyes can help you come up with creative solutions. Think of another person’s differences as complementary to your own. Getting a diverse set of opinions allows you to see your issue through a unique lens, and craft a creative solution.

Keep Business Cards Handy

business-cardYou never know when a valuable networking opportunity is going to arise, so keep your business cards on hand at all times. What started as a causal business lunch or simple meeting could turn into a strategic partnership in time. Always be prepared to hand out your name and number. Keep a stash of other people’s cards in your desk—you never know when you’ll need to pick a brain or ask for help.

Click here to learn about my Breakthrough Coaching for the Solopreneur/Entrepreneur program.

Additional Reources:

Take Advice from These Successful Young Entrepreneurs

What These Successful Young Entrepreneurs Have in Common

ladderFrom Mark Zuckerberg to Garret Camp, young entrepreneurs are making headlines for their unprecedented success. No matter what industry they’re in, these startup visionaries have certain qualities in common. What gives these entrepreneurs their unmistakable panache? There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for business success, but there are traits that you can emulate that give you a much better shot. Check out these winning business qualities, and learn how you can hone them to achieve your own entrepreneurial goals.

Choose the Right Ladders to Climb

You’ve probably heard the saying that in order to climb the corporate ladder you need to know the right people. This is true to a certain extent. Attracting successful people who share your mission, vision, and value system is an essential tenet of business success. However, the most successful entrepreneurs take this notion and add a few extra tidbits:

They surround themselves with complementary people. You can all share the same value system, but still have different strengths and weaknesses. Creating a harmonizing network of core individuals will help keep your business successful in the long run. In other words, you want to build a solid foundation, not a house of cards.

They put the corporate ladder on the right wall. Essentially, you need to do some research and identify your target market. Is the audience you’re trying to reach a growing sector? For example, doctors are increasingly specializing in orthopedics and geriatric medicine in response to the aging population.

Differentiate Yourself

You may have what you think is the most innovative idea on the planet, but chances are that someone else has their gaze on something very similar. How will you differentiate yourself from your future competition? Is it customer service extras or an eco-friendly approach to your industry? Could it be a socially conscious business model or complete corporate transparency? Decide how you’re going to make yourself innovative and unique, and incorporate it into your branding scheme. For example, there are hundreds of shoe companies out there, but Toms stands apart with their simple aesthetic and charitable outlook.

Decide How You’ll Drive Customer Value

valueWith the number of startups and entrepreneurial hopefuls growing with each passing year, the pressure to be innovative is stronger than ever. What will you do to give your customers added value? What will attract them to your product or service? Maybe it’s your branding or the way that you approach delivery – either way, you need to continually think of ways that you’re going to make your product better for your customers. The best entrepreneurs never stop innovating.

Be Prepared to Wear Many Hats

The most successful entrepreneurs buckle themselves down for the long haul. They acknowledge that they’ll have deal with several spinning plates, at least in the beginning. They’re often bookkeepers, IT gurus, master furniture assemblers, bloggers, thought leaders, managers, and fundraisers. This means pulling 12-14 hour days, every day, for the foreseeable future. Once you’re established enough to delegate tasks to freelancers and contractors, seize that opportunity. For the short term, accept the fact that you’re likely going to lead a lonely lifestyle, at least for a while.

These qualities are the same ones that we find in many of today’s most successful entrepreneurs. These individuals are not afraid of hard work, are extremely bright, pursue success doggedly, and begin their journey with a strategic vision. If you can emulate these qualities yourself, you’re headed for a bright future.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Leadership Coaching.

Additional Resources:


Thank you to my friends, my fans, and my clients!

group shot serenade culinary connectionsFirstly, let me thank our sponsors, who help make every Culinary Connections event truly special and successful: our Presenting Sponsor Karolina Dehnhard of Budd Larner, PC, Christal McElroy and her colleague Allie Colman of EisnerAmper, LLP, Vince Egan of Benjamin Edwards, Gene Sower of Samson Media and Linda Degenhardt of Concord Hotels.

Thank you for your continued support in helping me connect great people together.

Then let me thank our photographer – Mahvash Saba. A Kodak International Award Winner, Mahvash’s special relationship with the camera allows her to capture not just an image, but a place, a time, and a personality. Think of her for your company’s next headshot series, family photo, or special event! You can find Mahvash at:  www.mahvashsabaphoto.com.

Many thanks for the generous donations to Boots Up, a not-for –profit 501(c)3. Boots Up supports Veterans transitioning to civilian life – through education and corporate America. Robin Wilkins, its CEO, is grateful to all who donated. You can learn more about Boots Up here: www.bootsup.us.

Special Thanks to The Four Star Restaurant Serenade

And a special thanks to Nancy and James Laird, of Restaurant Serenade, and to their sommelier, John Jasma, for schooling us on farm to table cuisine, as well as selecting the perfect wine pairings for the evening!
karolina vince suasn culinary connections 2016From the time he was 15, James had a vision for his future as a chef. Nineteen years ago James Laird turned that vision into a dream when he and Nancy opened Restaurant Serenade.

He is an inspiration to all of us starting, creating, or growing our businesses!

The New York Times named him “one of the best classically trained chefs in New Jersey,” and New Jersey Monthly magazine has consistently rated his restaurant among “the best of the best.” The Record describes his cuisine “as a soft and subtle love song,” and Crain’s NY Business remarked, “Serenade is among the Garden State’s most rewarding dining destinations.”

Have a look at Restaurant Serenade’s website for more information on hours and special events at www.restaurantserenade.com, and be sure to dine there soon!


Be sure to mark your calendars for the next installment of CULINARY CONNECTIONS!

WHEN: Wednesday, April 20, 2016
WHERE: Ristorante Da Benito in Union, NJ
REVIEWS:  “A Restaurant to the stars in Union, still strong after 3 decades.” – Teresa Politano, For Inside Jersey. Check out Ms. Politano’s full review of Da Benito – one of the most well-regarded Italian restaurants in the state – CLICK HERE: www.nj.com.

Also, if there is someone you would like me to add to my list and include in my communications, please send me their email address and I will invite them.

With special thanks to our sponsors:

Karolina Dehnhard Esq.

Vince Egan

Eisner Amper

Here’s what people are saying:

“The Restaurant Serenade installment of Culinary Connections was excellent – great food and wine as well as great new faces to share it with. I look forward to the next Culinary Connections event in April and joining the Course Connections group in the spring.”
Marty Eide, Sedgwick LLP

The Benefits of Face-to-Face Coaching

Take Your Coaching Face to Face

face-to-faceThanks to the internet, the ways in which we can deliver coaching have changed dramatically during the past decade. Career coaches are now capable of providing actionable advice from any location in the world, by email or phone. This certainly has its advantages, especially if you’re in an industry like traveling sales. However, there’s something to be said for face-to-face contact. Sometimes, face-to-face interaction is more beneficial than phone calls or email. Are you a good candidate for this kind of consulting? See if person-to-person coaching is the best fit for you.

You Kick It Old School

Some of us just prefer direct interactions in person because they allow us the nuance that’s lost in other forms of communication. Hand gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are all things that become lost in virtual meetings. Being able to calculate a person’s reaction based on non-verbal cues can give us a better idea of just how knowledgeable a person is about a particular subject. If you’re in the process of hiring a career coach, a face-to-face meeting can give you the perspective needed to make a decision.

You Crave a Stronger Partnership

There’s no point in denying the impersonality of email. It’s easy for things to be misconstrued when you can’t identify the tone of a person’s voice, particularly when you’re dealing with a contentious subject matter. Meeting face-to-face is also important for establishing trust, especially at the onset of a relationship. Taking the time to schedule a few direct interactions at the beginning of the relationship with your career coach can make a huge difference. You can later switch to phone or email in subsequent sessions, or better yet, use video chat for the best of both worlds.

Your Primary Goal Is Innovation

puzzle-bulbEach career coaching partnership has different end goals. Some simply require guidance devising a business plan, or establishing a mission and vision for a solo enterprise. Some clients seek career coaching or consultations because they feel they’ve fallen into a rut. These people often benefit from face-to-face meetings because innovation sessions and brainstorming are best conducted in real-life rather than virtually. It helps to see how people react in real time to assess the efficacy of a new idea. You also tend to mimic one another in a face-to-face meeting, which builds rapport and makes any brainstorming session feel more productive and exciting than it would have over email or phone. For this reason, some companies ban emailing and demand person-to-person meetings for innovation sessions.

You Get What You Pay For

Career coaching conducted exclusively through email or over the phone may be the most cost-effective and viable choice for some people. In most cases, this is perfectly fine. However, if you need extensive help, face-to-face meetings are the way to go. Even if the price point differs significantly, think of it in terms of return on investment. The extra help you get from enjoying a personal interaction with a quality career coach can make a world of difference. Remember, what you put in will be reflected in your final results.

Looking for a career coach in Short Hills or the surrounding areas? CLICK HERE for our Breakthrough Career Coaching program.

Additional Resources:

4 Ways to Become a Successful Solopreneur

Banish Business Failure in 4 Easy Steps

successBecoming a solopreneur is a dream for many budding professionals, but some still view it as a pipe dream. You can be successful in a solo enterprise – if you take the right advice. If you’ve been longing to go into business for yourself and chase your business dreams, know that you’re not alone. Becoming a successful solopreneur is an exercise in diligence, patience, and ingenuity. Follow these rules of solopreneur success:

Planning Is Your Friend

Establishing a successful solopreneur enterprise requires a clear mission and vision. Take a step back and invest some time in a planning session before you dive into business. Entrepreneurs tend to be driven by innovation and a jumble of ideas, but jumping headlong into the foray can be a recipe for disaster.

Grab a cup of coffee and plunk down in your favorite chair or coffee shop and map out your business plan. What direction do you want your business to go? What is its central purpose? How will you specifically achieve your intermediate and end goals? Do you have a plan to quantifiably chart your progress? One of the worst things you can do is be halfway through your first year of business and realize that you lack any clear direction or focus.

Realize You’re Not An Island

You may have gone into solopreneurship to make a go of it alone, but just because it started that way doesn’t mean that you should be alone all the time. Sure, being an entrepreneur can be a lonely lifestyle: you’re plugging away at long hours while your ex-coworkers are unwinding over drinks.

It’s not beneficial to completely isolate yourself. Join a professional organization where you can connect with like-minded individuals at events. Keep a list of names for people you can call on for freelance work once you’re settled into business. Outsource things like bookkeeping and maintaining your website so you can focus on what’s important.

Celebrate All Successes (and Stop the Comparing Game)

celebrateWhen you’re part of a massive undertaking such as a solo career, take the time to revel in all of your successes, great or small. An endless game of self-criticism will only lead to burnout. Another trap that entrepreneurs fall into is the senseless game of comparing themselves to others. Keeping your eye on the competition can be beneficial, but only to a certain extent.

Focus on your own goals and vision, and let the rest play out naturally. Don’t think about your success solely in terms of the amount of money you’re making. Consider your amount of personal fulfillment and how you’re reaching others. When you have a good day, celebrate it with a glass of wine or a conversation with a friend. If you’ve hit a slump, acknowledge it, learn from it, and move on.

Be Consistent

Whether it’s being true to your brand or keeping your promises, consistency is the thing that separates the successful solopreneur from the unsuccessful ones. Keep your branding consistent, and align yourself with strategic partners that align with your unique company values. Your customer base will value your steady practices and will trust you in turn.

Solopreneurship is a worthy undertaking, but it’s not without its risks. As long as you stay true to yourself, balance your priorities, and reach out for help, the rest will fall into place organically.

CLICK HERE to learn about my Solopreneur Coaching program

Additional Resources:

Boost Your ROI with a Sales Career Coach

Making a Sales Career Coach Work for You

salesSales success hinges upon a winning first impression. A sales career coach can help you fine-tune your technique and churn out more business, but where do you begin? A sales coach can provide you with a significant return on investment (ROI) but only if you know what to look for. Hiring a career coach specific to sales can make a noticeable difference in your career.

The Truth About Sales and ROI

American companies spend around $20 billion a year on various kinds of sales training – mostly with uncertain results. A study conducted by the ES Research Group found that the vast majority – about 90% – of companies slumped back to pre-training levels after a 90 to 120 day increase in sales. As a result, businesses are looking for another way to improve their ROI: sales coaching.

Some companies are wary of the subjective nature of coaching in contrast to the seemingly more quantifiable results of traditional training methods. However, research conducted by a Sales Executive Council (SEC) has reassuring news for those considering sales coaching: it does appear to have calculable ROI. A recent study noted that thousands of sales representatives enjoyed sustained performance improvement, while a separate SEC found that coaching improved productivity and sales numbers by an average of 17%.

What’s interesting to note about sales coaching and ROI is that the results can vary widely depending on your coaching demographic, as well as the coach you hire. The SEC study found that A tier (top level) and D tier (bottom level) sales reps did not benefit significantly from sales coaching, while B and C (mid-level reps) found great improvement from their numbers as a result of coaching sessions. How can you apply these findings to your particular practice?

Invest Your Money Wisely

We’ve established that sales coaching can provide a significant ROI. If you’re a smaller company or strapped by budgetary constraints, seek out coaching for your mid-level performing representatives first. This is the demographic primed to benefit the most from coaching. Seek to get your D tier associates up to mid-range performance numbers before investing in sales coaching for them.

Choose Your Coach Carefully

choiceThe internet is a wonderful resource, but it’s also a haven for people looking to make a quick dollar. Unfortunately, almost anyone can claim to be a sales career coach, so finding a quality candidate to aid your sales force requires some scrutiny and research on your part. In general, here are some things to look for in a good sales coach:

Experience in sales. This seems like a given, but some coaches claim to be able to coach in any industry, regardless of experience. Be wary of “panacea coaches”: if the promises they make seem too good to be true, they probably are.

Experience in consulting. The coach you hire should also have prior experience in consulting with small businesses, entrepreneurs, or larger companies.

A sales coach plays an integral role in helping your company identify its goals and achieve clarity about your sales process. In order to maximize your ROI, do your research before choosing your partner.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Sales Coaching

Additional Resources: