How to Optimize Your Talents with a Sales Career Coach


Make Good Skills Great With a Sales Career Coach

Every business needs at least one good salesperson. However, no matter how great your current sales skills are, there is always room for improvement. If you would like to add to your skills or if your sales are floundering because you aren’t sure how to improve them, you need a sales career coach. Sales career coaches help salespeople across industries optimize their talents and make their businesses forerunners in their fields. With the right coach, you can become the salesperson you always wanted to be.

Advantages of Sales Career Coaching

One-on-One Time

Your supervisor and coworkers can give you plenty of tips on how to improve your sales skills and career trajectory. However, they all have other people to help besides you, and they’re all working on their own careers. Sales coaches don’t have those demands on their time. They can give you a one-on-one analysis of what you’re doing well, what needs work, and how you can implement creativity and personalization when you need to. Additionally, the sales coach will remain with you while you are developing your new skills. He or she won’t have to rush off to answer the next question or attend a meeting at the last minute.

Performance Coaching

Good sales coaches don’t simply help you sell products and services. They look at who you are as a person and teach you to use your personality to your advantage. For example, you might have a deep-seated fear of public speaking even though you make great sales in small groups or one-on-one. A good sales coach will understand your introversion and make it work for you, not against you. Depending on your need, he or she will develop personalized coping skills that allow you to overcome what might be holding you back.

Getting Out of a Slump

lightbulbEven the best salespeople hit a slump now and then. It might seem for them that suddenly none of their methods work and no products are moving, which leads to discouragement and burnout. Slumps often happen when you get in a rut, doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results or no results at all.

The best career coaches are pros at getting employers and employees alike out of slumps. They will analyze your current position and let you know when and if you are ready to take on a larger role. They can also suggest ways to make your job more exciting and creative and offer new methods to move products and services.

How to Optimize Your Coaching Experience

Be Honest

Your sales coach can’t fix a problem if he or she doesn’t know what it is. Remember, having a coach is not a sign of failure. It’s a sign of strength and willingness to reach out for help. It’s also a sign that you’re dedicated to making your business stronger.

Ask Questions

Your elementary school teachers were right – there is no such thing as a dumb question. Ask your coach about any situation in which you find yourself, big or small. Talk to him or her about the methods you’ve used and has worked for you in the past. A good coach can always find ways to improve or suggest something new.

LEARN MORE about sales coaching – CLICK HERE!

3 Ways Solopreneur Coaching Helps You Lead Your Industry

A Solopreneur’s Journey: Breakthrough Coaching Equals Scalability

business-phoneMany people want to start their own businesses but are overwhelmed at the prospect of running a company alone. Others have invested their resources in a unique vision and find they have spread themselves thin by taking on too much. Solpreneur coaching can help those just starting out get their business off the ground. For those in the air, it can ensure a business maximizes its efforts in the current business, leading to more efficiency.

What is Solopreneur Coaching?

Solopreneur coaching is another word for one-on-one business coaching. It helps you tap into your potential as a business owner. A solopreneur coach will help you find your strengths, become a more effective leader, and train other leaders to undertake tasks like running different departments.

Solopreneur coaching can focus on anything you need it to, so before hiring a coach, it’s a good idea to think through your strong and weak areas. For example, if you’re great at talking to employees one-on-one but hate dealing with groups, a business coach can help you hone that skill. If your business isn’t getting enough positive attention, a business coach can help improve your PR skills.

Ways Solopreneur Coaching Helps You:

Goal Setting

growthWhen starting a business, everyone thinks about his or her goals. Many of these goals are the same – “I want to provide a service people need,” “I want to sell an innovative product,” or, “I want to see the boss in the mirror every morning.” These are great goals but most business owners get stuck when it comes to enacting them. Sometimes this is due to procrastination, and sometimes it’s because a goal seems unreachable and overwhelming.

A solopreneur coach can take the weight of goal setting off your shoulders. He or she will likely start by asking you a few questions, such as what your best- and worst-case business scenarios look like. You might even be asked to picture what your life would look like if you failed, not because the coach expects you to fail but because she wants you to have options should you need to try again. After this, your coach can help you prioritize your goals and come up with realistic steps to reach each of them.


A coaching program can last anywhere from 3 to 12 months or beyond, depending on what you need. A good business coach is willing to stick with you through the long haul. He or she can provide the honest feedback you need and fill the role of confidant. Talking to friends, family, and coworkers about business troubles can be cathartic, but these people are ultimately not the ones you want to seek out because they are too closely tied to your daily life. A business coach can be both sympathetic and objective, for as long as you need.


A business coach can help you improve your business’ scalability – its ability to handle a growing amount of work efficiently. As your scalability improves, you will be less likely to feel overwhelmed or have problems meeting your obligations. Additionally, a business coach can help you accommodate your business’ growth, which will bring in more potential clients and make you a better known name in your industry.

CLICK HERE to learn about my Breakthrough Solopreneur Coaching program.

4 Signs You Need to Invest in Business Development Coaching

How to Tell if You Need a Business Development Coach

business-coachRunning a business is fun and challenging, but sometimes that challenge can become overwhelming. As the business owner or leader of your department, knowing when to seek help is as crucial a tool as knowing when to delegate tasks. A business development coach can advise you in both areas. With the right guidance, your business will grow stronger because you are dedicated to finding help when you need it.

If you aren’t sure whether a business coach is right for you, look for a few specific signs. We’ve listed some of the most common ones below.

You’re Burned Out

You used to wake up excited to go to work every day. Now the amount of what you have to do overwhelms you. The thought of looking at that pile on your desk ratchets up your anxiety every Sunday night. If this describes you, you are probably approaching burnout – or already there – and need a coach. A business coach will teach you how to delegate responsibilities and prioritize what you need to do. Additionally, a coach will teach you ways to communicate better with employees, clients, and vendors so everyone gets the most out of your services and products.

You’ve Hit a Plateau

In other words, you aren’t getting the results you want. This happens to many business owners who try several methods to move a product or generate interest in their services but find none of those methods work. Too much trial and error can lead to burnout, as detailed above. Additionally, constant plateaus seriously harm employee morale, which can leave you with significant human resource problems.

A business coach will analyze your growth methods and tell you quickly what is and is not working. He or she will discuss short- and long-term goals with you, helping you decide which ones to tackle first and how to do so. Finally, he or she can give you tips on improving the work atmosphere and boosting morale.

You Procrastinate

focusMany business owners know what they need to do to improve their companies, but sometimes they fail to do it. This happens for a variety of reasons; maybe the business owner is a perfectionist worried about getting it right or maybe discouragement has set in because clients are complaining. If you can’t seem to translate ideas into action, it’s time to hire a business coach. A coach can give you the boost you need to stop talking about what you want to do and actually do it.

You Hate Your Job

When you began your business, it was fun. You believed in your product or service and were passionate about helping people see its benefits. Now, running a business is drudgery. You have no one to confide in, and none of your tasks feel fun. A coach can be your confidant and help you focus on the things you love most about what you do. The more you focus on what you love, the more you’ll feel prepared to handle less desirable tasks. You’ll feel supported and over time, remember what compelled you to start a business in the first place.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Leadership Development and Team Building

Golf & Networking – The Perfect Match-up in COURSE CONNECTIONS


golf-networkingCOURSE CONNECTIONS is a one-of-a-kind event combining the art of networking with the joy of golf.

Join us for the second installment of this incredible series where we learn how to play golf with Joe Haggerty, PGA Professional at Montclair Golf Club, followed by a 9 hole scramble, cocktails, and networking.


To learn more, please email me at [email protected] or call my mobile at 973.919.8180.

According to a study by The Economist, bosses who don’t play golf earn 17 percent less in pay, on average, than those who do!

Consider These 4 Questions:

  • Have you ever thought that you are you missing out on some great networking opportunities that take place on the golf course?
  • Have you wondered about the correlation between playing golf to being successful in business?
  • Would you like to be introduced to or play the game in an intimate, private setting with one of the top golf professionals in New Jersey?
  • Interested in becoming a SPONSOR for our upcoming COURSE CONNECTIONS events this summer?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions OR are a business professional OR in career transition, then please join us for this special event:




WHERE: Montclair Golf Club, 25 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ

PROGRAM: 90 minutes of Lessons, 9 Hole Scramble

ATTIRE: Proper attire for this event includes Bermuda shorts (no more than 2 inches above the knee), Capri pants, or a skort. Shirts may be sleeveless and collared or sleeved and un-collared. Golf shoes or sneakers are required.

CLUBS: Bring your own golf clubs, or we can provide them for you the day of the event. Any questions, please email Susan Ascher at [email protected].

ITINERARY: 2:30pm to 3:00pm Registration; 3:00pm to 4:30pm Golf Instruction; 4:30pm Twilight Golf Scramble; 6:30pm Networking and Cocktails.

If golf is not your thing, come join us on the terrace for more great networking, cocktails and light fare after golf!

COST: $239 p/ ticket  Includes Golf Clinic, Coaching, Networking & Cocktails
$79.00 p/ ticket — Only Includes Cocktails & Networking



Course Connections




Golf EventThanks for Making the Start of the 5th Annual COURSE CONNECTIONS a Great Success!!

Thanks again for coming to COURSE CONNECTIONS last Thursday! We had (yet another) GORGEOUS day and a ton of fun at our networking and cocktail hour! Saks Fifth Avenue’s management team of Larry Berkowitz, Lizzie Evans and Kelly Hammer joined in, as did Marjorie manning of Morgan Stanley and Ann Pollack of TCI Software, and Dr. Valerie Ablaza of The Plastic Surgery Group! Robin Wilkins, CEO of BootsUp and Adam Toombs of Worldwide Jet Charter joined us for the fabulous networking!

A special thanks to our sponsors, Karolina Dehnhard/ Budd Larner PC, Christal McElroy/ EisnerAmper, Vince Egan/ Benjamin Edwards & Co., and Steve Reiss/ Steven A. Reiss and Company, LLC. We couldn’t do it without all of you and your continued support to help others learn the value of COURSE CONNECTIONS!!!!

And thank you to our pro, Joe Haggerty. Not only were we the beneficiaries of his great instruction on the range, but in a surprise move, Joe took us out on the course to play a few holes WITH HIM to learn a bit more about on-course strategy! The real deal. Please keep Joe in mind for private instruction. Golf club membership not required!

Here are a few pictures from the event:

Networking at Course Connections
(From left to right) Larry Berkowitz, Kelly Hammer, Dr. Valerie Ablaza, Lizzie Evans, Stephen Bigach, Susan Ascher, Vince Egan, Marjorie Manning, and Robin Wilkins Toombs.
Course Connections Outing
(From left to right) Ann Pollock, Marjorie Manning, Joe Haggerty – PGA Professional, and Larry Berkowitz.
Course Connections Event
(From left to right) Marjorie Manning, Joe Haggerty – PGA Professional, Susan Ascher, and Ann Pollock.

Our next COURSE CONNECTIONS is scheduled for Thursday, June 23rd! Full details coming soon! I look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Thanks again for attending the start of COURSE CONNECTIONS and I’ll see you on the links!

Susan Ascher

5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Working With a Sales Career Coach

Want to Make the Most of Your Sales Career Coach Investment?

sales-coachWorking with a sales career coach can have major benefits, such as generating greater revenues and building a larger network. To get the most out of your sales career coach investment, you need to understand the ins and outs of career coaching and what your job is as a student.

Find a Coach With a Following

Whether you need to build confidence in public speaking, craft a killer opening statement, or boost your networking skills, the sales career coach you choose makes all the difference. Your coach needs to have the experience and results to back up his or her claims. Scope out potential coaches’ websites, looking for awards or client testimonials to gauge the effectiveness of their methods. The best sales career coaches sell you on their talents—a major testament to their skill.

Choose the Right Coach for You

When choosing a sales career coach, you need to decide what matters most to you. If your top priority is learning how to create a top-notch sales presentation, you need a coach who will tailor your lessons to that goal. Making sure you and your sales career coach are on the same page will ensure you don’t waste time focusing on areas of sales you aren’t interested in and maximize your investment with relevant information. Establish what your end goals are, and find a coach with expertise in that field.

Optimize Communication

An experienced sales career coach will offer a variety of ways to communicate with him or her, including via Skype, face-to-face, or over the phone. If a coach limits you to just one form of communication, it may be a sign that he or she has too many other commitments to give you full attention. Establish what mode of communication works best for you early on (even before the first meeting), and be transparent with your needs. Your coach can’t effectively help you if you hide your requirements.

Ask the Right Questions

ask-questionsIf you don’t have a specific goal in mind while working with a sales career coach, that’s okay. You can still come prepared by thinking of questions that will point you in the right direction, such as “How do I become a better salesperson?” Your career coach will have a plethora of resources to help you nail down what your greatest strengths and weaknesses are and construct a lesson plan moving forward. Clarifying your needs and articulating them in a way that will get results is imperative for using your time efficiently.

Take Notes

Being a good student is the best way to optimize the knowledge of your sales career coach. Your coach might lay the groundwork for a stellar future in sales, but if you aren’t paying attention, the advice is lost. During every facet of your coaching, take detailed notes to use in the future. You can type into a Word document for faster note taking and create a folder online to organize them. Writing down the steps, observations, insights, and other details for success ensures you get the most out of your coach.

Have you heard about my Breakthrough Career Coaching Program? CLICK HERE to learn more!

Additional Resources:

Thank You for Another Scrumptious Success


What a great group! We just keep getting better and better!

image001And what about Jessica Gaffney introducing her new app Wave Work….helping you get to know who you don’t know at any event! On iPhone now and coming to Android on June 1st. INNOVATION AT ITS FINEST right here in our group!

A special thanks to our sponsors, Karolina Dehnhard, Budd Larner PC; Christal McElroy and Joan Monaghan, EisnerAmper, CPAs; Vince Egan, Benjamin Edwards & Co.; Lori Chapin, Sedgwick, LLP; and Gene Sower, Samson Media.

We couldn’t do it without all of you and your continued support to help others learn the value of CULINARY CONNECTIONS!!!!

Special mention to our fabulous photographer, Mahvash Saba, of Saba Photography — great corporate event photography, head-shots or just about any photography for your friends and family’s needs!

Here is what people are saying:

“Thanks for another terrific networking evening! Love the scale and venues you’re creating!”
– Ann Pollack, CEO, Nationwide Floor & Window Coverings

“I enjoyed the evening and met a lot of terrific people.  Thanks for putting together a great event!”
– Joan Monaghan, Director Private Client Services, EisnerAmper, LLP

“Congratulations on four beautiful and unique events, each one with its own special personality. I am grateful to have been at all four of your breakout Culinary Connections events and a co-sponsor for your final (and my fave!).”
– Lori Chapin, Sedgwick, LLP

“The Restaurant Serenade installment of Culinary Connections was excellent – great food and wine as well as great new faces to share it with. I look forward to the next Culinary Connections event in April and joining the Course Connections group in the spring.”
– Marty Eide, Attorney, Markel Corporation


Susan Ascher Course Connections Golf and BusinessIt’s not too early to sign up for our first COURSE CONNECTIONS on Thursday, May 19th. Joe Haggerty, our PGA pro at Montclair Golf Club LOVES newbies.

We all have to start somewhere, so please join us. If you don’t have clubs, we will provide them! If golf is not your thing, come join us on the terrace for more great networking, cocktails and light fare after golf!

LOCATION: Montclair Golf Club, 25 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ
COST: **SPECIAL EARLY BIRD PRICING** $199 p/ ticket until May 13TH, price after May 13TH is $239: Includes Golf Clinic, Coaching, Networking & Cocktails; $79.00 p/ ticket — Only Includes Cocktails & Networking
golf networking


  • Thursday, June 23rd
  • Thursday, July 21st
  • Thursday, September 22nd



Time to Golf! Join Us for May’s COURSE CONNECTIONS


golf-club-rightCOURSE CONNECTIONS:



COURSE CONNECTIONS is an event where we learn how to play golf with Joe Haggerty, PGA Professional at Montclair Golf Club, followed by a 9 hole scramble, cocktails, and networking.


To learn more, please email me at [email protected] or call my mobile at 973.919.8180.

According to a study by The Economist, bosses who don’t play golf earn 17 percent less in pay, on average, than those who do!

Consider These 4 Questions:

  • Have you ever thought that you are you missing out on some great networking opportunities that take place on the golf course?
  • Have you wondered about the correlation between playing golf to being successful in business?
  • Would you like to be introduced to or play the game in an intimate, private setting with one of the top golf professionals in New Jersey?
  • Interested in becoming a SPONSOR for our upcoming COURSE CONNECTIONS events this summer?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions OR are a business professional OR in career transition, then please join us for this special event:


with Joe Haggerty & Susan P. Ascher



WHERE: Montclair Golf Club, 25 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ

PROGRAM: 90 minutes of Lessons, 9 Hole Scramble

ATTIRE: Proper attire for this event includes Bermuda shorts (no more than 2 inches above the knee), Capri pants, or a skort. Shirts may be sleeveless and collared or sleeved and un-collared. Golf shoes or sneakers are required.

CLUBS: Bring your own golf clubs, or we can provide them for you the day of the event. Any questions, please email Susan Ascher at [email protected].

ITINERARY: 2:30pm to 3:00pm Registration; 3:00pm to 4:30pm Golf Instruction; 4:30pm Twilight Golf Scramble; 6:30pm Networking and Cocktails.

$239 p/ ticket —  Includes Golf Clinic, Coaching, Networking & Cocktails
$79.00 p/ ticket — Only Includes Cocktails & Networking


Golf Ticket

Course Connections

Networking Only Ticket


Changing the Way You Hire: Remote Workers and the Freelance Movement

laptopEmbracing Remote Connectivity and the Gig Workforce

Many young workers do not share the same workplace values as older generations. Instead of compensation, millennials want to feel valued and experience flexible work arrangements. They may feel constrained in traditional office environments and roles. To become strong business leaders, many businesses are changing the way they look at the modern workforce.

The Appeal of Remote Workers for Businesses and Job Seekers

Remote employment and freelance work has grown in popularity for a number of reasons. Workers want to have control over what they do and when and where they do it. For individuals with diverse skillsets who may not fit into one position, flexible work represents an opportunity to build certain skills without feeling locked into one career path.

For employers, freelance and remote work significantly reduces overhead costs. Employers are typically not responsible for providing benefits to contractors, and remote workers do not need office space and don’t use building utilities while they work. Employers have also found that remote work improves their ability to find qualified talent. They can hire workers all over the world who meet their business needs either temporarily or permanently.

Enhancing the Remote Worker Experience

For freelancers and remote employees, the work arrangement can make or break the experience for both parties. Without the right collaboration tools, businesses may suffer from inefficiency, and remote work can become isolating. If you’re thinking about integrating remote work into your business model, here are some considerations to keep in mind:


  • Collaboration tools – Businesses need reliable modes of communication for all remote workers. Think about the hardware requirements for the job as well as your communication needs.

    For instance, a geographically dispersed design team may need to communicate visually. Videoconferencing equipment can bridge geographical barriers without interrupting productivity.

  • Strategy for production – Checks and balances keep government branches from stepping out of their bounds, and every business should also have a series of checks and balances to keep projects moving forward. Who will take responsibility for remote worker productivity? How will you measure quality and success?
  • The business relationship – Humans are social creatures, generally speaking. In isolation, the business relationship can start to suffer. Before you release workers into a remote environment, plan for a way to help each individual feel connected to the larger organization. Consider hosting annual get-togethers, virtual meetings, and sending out routine updates to help everyone feel valued.
  • Freelancers are not employees – Many of the same rules that apply to remote workers apply to freelancers, but not all. If you plan to hire a freelancer, talk to your business attorney about contracts and applicable employment laws.
  • Prepare for cultural differences – When you expand your workforce – freelance or permanent – to various corners of the globe, create a plan for addressing cultural differences. Always talk to contractors and prospects about any customs that may affect operations.

Remote work may not work for every business or workforce. Each business should evaluate its goals and needs to create a new, mobile-friendly business model. Many businesses find that a hybrid approach with flexible in-office hours makes the most sense. Start slow with flex-hours, and then move to full-time remote work or freelance hiring processes. You may find a more fulfilling and efficient way of doing business.

CLICK HERE to learn more with my Leadership Coaching program.

Additional Resources:

Finding Your Niche as a Solopreneur

Wide Reach Versus Precision: How a Niche Market is Ideal for Solopreneurs

nicheEntrepreneurship isn’t right for everyone. Entrepreneurs typically want to create and grow a business. They are natural networkers, who may or may not want to hold on to a business after it grows. Solopreneurs, on the other hand, take a different approach to business development.

Solopreneurs are individuals who may not want to grow or sell their businesses. They often don’t want to hire many, if any, employees, and they are typically more interested in the work than in business development. Solopreneurship is a great opportunity for individuals who want to focus on a particular type of work, and who may want greater flexibility than a traditional business role could offer.

Finding Your Niche

If solopreneurship sounds more interesting to you than entrepreneurship, start exploring your unique talents and industry opportunities. Many solopreneurs cannot compete with companies in large markets. They can almost always provide more value to a customer at a lower cost. However, solopreneurs offer personalized attention and may specialize in a niche field that larger competitors will never adequately address. Whether you are a realtor or a writer, find that corner of the market where competitors can’t match your offer, and then develop your expertise.

Solopreneurs who are just starting out may want to recognize their general field, and then start researching product and service offerings in that field. Instead of seeing a large target market and assuming that field has enough room for another competitor, look for where those companies fall short. Those areas represent your opportunity to build a thriving business. As a sole proprietor, you may not need hundreds of clients to turn a profit, and specializing in a niche will improve your competitive standing.

Networking and Benefits of Being a Solopreneur

Networking and marketing are important activities for all business people, but the success of the entire business rests on a solopreneurs shoulders. As the only face of a company, a solopreneur has an advantage. They are in complete control of how, when, and where consumers see their brand. Solopreneurs can take advantage of their unique positions in the marketplace by:

  • Building thought leadership – Solopreneurs have to sell themselves as much as they sell a product or service. Building thought leadership in publications and online can improve a solopreneurs visibility, particularly in niche fields.
  • Creating personal relationships with customers – A solopreneur may not take interest in traditional entrepreneurial networking activities, such as pitching to investors and creating marketing materials. Instead, he or she may focus on word-of-mouth marketing in a local community or among a list of potential clients to build a successful business.
  • Keeping their customer base as focused or as broad as they want – As a solo practitioner who resides somewhere in between a freelancer and a small business owner, a solopreneur has a certain level of flexibility. Unlike the entrepreneur, a solopreneur may only engage in networking activities on an as-needed basis.

Finding your niche and learning how to network are two primary keys to building a successful solo business. Spend time cultivating these two skills, and you can always outsource other activities such as accounting and marketing along the way. For individuals who don’t necessarily want to manage a team or create strategic growth plans in an established business, solopreneurship represents a fulfilling business opportunity.

LEARN MORE: Breakthrough Coaching for the Solopreneur/Entrepreneur

Additional Resources: