Great article from Mr. Porter, the global online retail destination for men’s style which you can READ HERE. Yes, many of those who know me , know I AM a fashionista at heart and am interested in style trends for both women AND men. And yes, I believe that looking good counts.
In Mr. Porter’s latest journal, he showcases a few young male execs, all well-dressed and all successful and all passionate about their work. One of these young men, btw, Michael Conti, is the son of one of my oldest friends. (You’ll excuse the word oldest because Michael’s Mom, Elaine, is younger than I).
I loved all of the quotes from each individual, but because of my work, the advice of Bryan Bui, Senior Analyst at Cien Ventures, a healthcare consulting firm, resonated deeply with me.
Here is the best career advice he was ever given:
1) “Never take down a gate unless you can figure out why it was put there in the first place.”
2) “If the General gets too far in front of the army, sometimes they mistake him for the enemy.”
3) “Never complain about the bottom rungs of the ladder – they get you higher.”
4) “If you want to see a rainbow, get ready to weather a storm.”
Good advice for any leader.