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Utilizing the Mastermind Principles for Personal and Professional Success: Part 1

In Napoleon Hill’s seminal work, Think & Grow Rich, he professed, “all who are ready may learn, not only what to do, but also how to do it; and receive, as well, the needed stimulus to make a start.”

Eighty years have passed since those words were first published, but their truth continues to resonate. If you are ready and willing, everything you need to be successful in both your professional and personal life is available to you right now.

Hill talked about an essential component to the secret to attaining wealth and that was DESIRE, a desire that was definite, focused and specific — without the worries of implementation overshadowing or lessening its realization. When that desire was combined with the conviction of your thoughts it created your DEFINITE PURPOSE.

But, how to do you discover your true desire? Is it a general desire like wealth and influence, or more specific like attaining the position of bank manager by 35? Each of us has our own unique desire based on what we want.

Not Sure What You Want? Start by Asking Yourself These 4 Questions.

1- What are you passionate about? Passion is a powerful force that can propel us to take leaps and bounds beyond our comfort zone. For many, that passion is what gets them out of bed every morning. Look for those aspects of life or business that put a smile on your face. Those actions or responsibilities that come naturally and/or effortlessly. Once you identify that passion, ask why? What about this sparks my passion?

2- What are your strengths? Too often we focus on the areas of our lives that aren’t working or we obsess over our weaknesses, instead of identifying our strengths and nurturing what is working. If you’re great at numbers and love spreadsheets, don’t force yourself to tackle all the creative responsibilities in your business. Play to your strengths.

3- What did you learn from your past experiences? Sometimes we need to identify what we don’t want in order to clearly understand what we do want. There is no better way to do that then to look back at your previous experiences. In your old jobs, careers or businesses, what didn’t you like? What areas of those experiences do you not want to repeat going forward? Having that understanding ahead of time can help facilitate the answer to question 4.

4- What does your ultimate goal look like? Be specific! If you want your business to be more profitable, what increase in profitability do you want to achieve? Do you want a 5% growth and why? If you attain that 5% in growth, what will that allow you to accomplish? If you want a business where you are supported by employees, then how many employees and what responsibilities will they have?

In Think & Grow Rich, Hill recounted the story of Edwin Barnes whose desire was to become a business associate of the great inventor, Thomas A. Edison. Edwin ultimately reached his goal with the greatest of success, but at the start he had nothing except “the capacity to know what he wanted, and the determination to stand by that desire until he realized it.”

Determination and conviction were two of the keys to Edwin Barnes’ ultimate success. Instead of wallowing in all the reasons why he wouldn’t succeed, he focused his efforts on attaining his ultimate goal. To foster that kind of faith in yourself and your desire, you first must be clear whether you are in a state of success or failure consciousness.

5 Ways to Determine if You Are You Stuck in Failure!

1- Always making excuses, instead of looking for options and solutions. If you’re always making excuses for why you can’t achieve this or can’t accomplish that, you most likely are not fully committed to your desire and purpose. You also might be afraid of what will happen if you actually succeed.

2- Always accepting what is, instead of focusing on what could be. Clinging to what hasn’t worked will only continue a cycle of failure. One must accept change and see it as an opportunity for gain and not as the possibility for loss.

3- Always focusing on your weaknesses, instead of appreciating your gifts. We all have strengths and weaknesses; it’s a part of being human. No one is good at all things at all times. That’s why it is essential to identify your gifts and appreciate the unique value you provide.

4- Always staying within your comfort zone, instead of taking risks. In order to discover what is possible, we often have to venture into the impossible. And that can only happen when we choose to take the initiative to move beyond our comfort zone.

5- Always settling for what you can get, instead of fighting for what you want. People’s greatest limits are often self-imposed. Giving in to fear, loss and failure can prevent you from staying the course and reaching your ultimate goal. Too many people quit and give up right before they have achieved success.


March Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution:


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. We’re not creating just another business network, we’re building a community of professionals dedicated to helping one another overcome obstacles and achieve greater success.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Wednesday, March 29, 8:30-11:00 am

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Breakfast


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be

Join Us Today!

February Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution:


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. We’re not creating just another business network, we’re building a community of professionals dedicated to helping one another overcome obstacles and achieve greater success.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Wednesday, February 15, 8:30-11:00 am

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Breakfast


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • success-concept_gys2awwuSales Consultants
  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • New connections with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • Relationships with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • New ideas for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be

Join Us Today!

Communication Skills Vital to the Workplace

communication breakdowns

Regardless of the Industry, Communication is Vital to Keep Your Team Running Smoothly.

Everyone in your office should be able to effectively address managers, staff, and colleagues. They also have to reach across multiple platforms, including email and social media.

7 Skills You Need To Communicate Effectively

1. Listen well. Paying attention to others is half the conversation, so you need people who can truly listen.

2. Read/display nonverbal cues. Being able to decipher and project silent cues is important – it’s why some people seem so approachable and others are intimidating.

3. Speak with clarity. Employees need to be able to convey their points quickly and clearly. Rambling can cause the listener to lose interest or become confused.

4. Project confidence. There needs to be a feeling of comfort in every conversation. Employees should exude confidence to foster the best communication.

5. Be friendly. Employers greatly prize this skill. When you can greet others with an encouraging presence, you’ll foster all sorts of communication.

6. Be flexible. Part of good communication is a willingness to reconsider, change, and approach issues with an open mind.

7. Feel sympathy. It’s not enough to listen to another person’s situation. Your employees have to bond emotionally if you want the best communication.

4 Ways Good Employees Become Better Communicators

Your employees don’t have to be distinguished at communicating from the get-go. There are ways people can learn to share their feelings and ideas more effectively through practice and hard work. If workers want to get better, they should:

workplace communication1. Set a clear idea for every conversation. When they know the desired outcome, they’ll be able to present themselves as effectively as possible.

2. Craft a reputation by communicating. Trust is something one must build, and engaging with other employees regularly is a great way to foster that feeling.

3. Stay humble. Your employees should never flaunt their advantages, no matter what they are. Instead of bragging about money/possessions/position, etc., they should leave their egos behind.

4. Think about timing. There are opportunities for everything. Employees should be able to decipher moods and decide if a conversation is a good idea.

Communication skills and a willingness on behalf of your employees to learn the best approaches are truly valuable assets to your business. The more successful they are in communicating with your prospects and clients, the more successful your business will be in the long run.

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Business-Building Tips for First-Timers

small business owner

Starting a Business is Very Exciting!

It has the potential to be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do and could dramatically change the course of your future. Of course, beginning a company comes with countless questions and decisions. While many of them will be specific to your niche, there are certain tips that support the core of every new company.

If You’re Beginning the Life of a Business Owner, Heed the Following Advice:

1. Choose a business about which you are knowledgeable and passionate.

It’s difficult to build a company from scratch, and nothing gives you a better chance to finish it than personal enthusiasm and desire. Always start with something you enjoy.

2. Make sure your business has opportunity.

Some companies simply can’t survive in today’s entrepreneurial ecosystem – no matter how much you love them (VHS rentals, for example). Start with something that has the opportunity to grow.

3. Dive in with full pockets.

Starting a business is costly, so you should be prepared. Gathering startup financing can be arduous; you should be ready to supplement with as much of your own money as possible. Lots of development, production, and marketing costs can plague new unprepared companies.

4. Do your homework.

Know who your closest competition is and why people love them. If you can find a weak spot in their plans or take your services beyond what they do, you’ll be in a better place to rake in the customers.

business research5. Create a solid pitch.

Before you start sending your advertisements into the world, you need to have a clear mission statement. Take time to think about what problems your services or products eliminate and then think about whom such issues affect. Build goals and compelling descriptions (especially before you search for investors).

6. Find worthy employees.

Many companies will fill positions with the cheapest possible workers. Instead, make sure your new employees are a match for your products and all of your goals. The more passionate they are about the business the better they’ll perform.

If you’re starting a business of your own, take these tips to heart. With a bit of extra preparation and common sense you’ll be well on your way to a successful company in no time.

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How To Navigate Your First Year as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneur coach

Congratulations on starting your new business.

In an economy where the traditional 9-to-5 job is giving way, there is plenty of room for everyone to grow. However, the first year is hard on any entrepreneur. Knowing what to expect and how to operate your business smoothly will help you navigate that year successfully.

Keep Goals Realistic

Most people begin entrepreneurship with long-term goals, such as becoming the leading service or product provider in their area. Long-term goals are great. They show you have vision. Yet focusing too much on them can leave you burned out and feeling like a failure. Keep long-term goals in mind, but make plenty of short-term ones. A short-term goal might be making X amount of money in the first month or drawing in Y number of clients.

Get a Support System

Entrepreneurship is lonely. There’s no way around it, even if you have business partners. However, you should have a support system. These people can be friends and family, mentors, and colleagues in or outside of your field. If you run a bookstore, you’ll naturally want colleagues and supporters who know books. Additionally, you’ll also want supporters in the IT business or people who serve foodstuffs that you can sell in an on-site shop.

entrepreneur coachingAccept Criticism and Failure

The worst thing you can tell yourself is, “Failure is not an option.” Everyone fails, and it doesn’t mean your business will tank. Sometimes the people who tell you “no” at first will become people who say “yes” later. Listen to constructive criticism, and think about where you can change. If you aren’t sure, ask a mentor. If one change doesn’t work, make a new one. Use social media, email, and other avenues to find out what your clients like. Build on what they say.

Do What You Love

Before starting a business, think about your passions. What services or products do you want to bring to people? How do you want them to feel? What can you offer that similar businesses can’t? When you can answer these questions, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

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Solopreneur Coach NJ

Improve Business Outcomes with These Communication Tactics

Business leaders and supervisors are not the only ones responsible for strong workplace communication.

Every employee needs successful communication skills to avoid communication breakdown and engage productively with others. The way you speak to and listen to others is not only polite, it’s a leadership skill that will serve you well in any line of work.

If you are worried about communication in the workplace, start with you. Instead of complaining or criticizing other team members, look at your own communication skills. Are you setting a good example of positive and respectful communication on a daily basis, or are you contributing to potential difficulties?

Here are some of the most effective strategies business leaders can use to avoid communication breakdown and thrive in the workplace:

  • Encourage free-flowing communication. Empower team members to engage with each other on a regular basis. Assign a point person for certain assignments and projects, but give everyone an opportunity to make decisions and engage on an equal playing field. When employees feel they can speak openly, businesses often discover innovative new solutions and improved productivity rates.


  • Invest in collaboration services. In today’s world, more employees are working from home or on the go. Instead of relying on regular meetings, phone calls, and emailed communications, consider investing in collaboration solutions, such as instant-messaging services and document-sharing programs. Make communication an easy part of the daily workflow.


  • Teach, preach, and showcase positive communication. In school, someone might take a class on public speaking or mass communications, but they rarely learn about effective interpersonal communication. Consider hiring a communications expert to provide a seminar on workplace communication skills. Understanding the elements of good communication in-person, online, and on the phone will help employees maintain mindfulness of their own behaviors.


  • Remember every employee is an asset. Don’t dismiss someone based on rank and file. Sometimes, the most innovative solutions come from unexpected places. When leaders show consideration to every employee, they can build morale and loyalty among all staff members.


  • Help employees see their contributions. Take time to recognize individuals, teams, and departments during organizational meetings. Then, give them the power to take their success further. Educate everyone on the current state of the business and goals for the future so everyone feels actively engaged in meaningful business outcomes. Taking the time to instill a sense of pride in employees will improve job satisfaction rates and may reduce employee turnover.

Add communication goals to the list for your next strategic planning meeting. Strong, company-wide collaboration skills take time to develop, but will serve your business well. Take the time to avoid communication breakdown and see how far your team, department, and business can go.

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How to Keep Communication Breakdowns from Hurting Your Business


Managers and supervisors often miss out on communication problems until they become too big to ignore.

Communication is the key to building strong business relationships, reaching productivity goals, and improving job satisfaction. All employees should rate communication high on their priority lists. Whether you’re experiencing problems today or trying to avoid communication breakdown in the future, it is helpful to understand the reasons behind the difficulties.

Why Communication Breakdowns Occur

Communication breakdowns happen for a number of reasons, from individual employee problems to systematic problems. Identifying problems early on can help teams identify solutions and work through potential difficulties together. Look out for these warning signs to avoid communication breakdowns:

  • Team members start competing with, or ignoring, each other instead of collaborating.
  • Individuals experience difficulty in maintaining project deadlines and assignment instructions.
  • Individuals bring personal concerns about work to your attention.

Over time, these minor issues may escalate. If individuals begin to harbor resentment against team members or managers, productivity may suffer, and an entire team or department may experience problems. If you catch the signs early, you can take steps to resolve the situation and build a stronger and more collaborative workspace

Addressing and Avoiding Communication Breakdowns

If possible, avoid communication breakdowns before they escalate. Set clear expectations for the workplace early and reinforce those expectations often. To strengthen communication practices and address any potential communication difficulties, use these tips:

  • Set aside time for interpersonal relationships. Professionals spend much of their days in the office. Employees who can’t work together may cause problems for themselves and others. Focus on team-building exercises and encourage employees to work together instead of remaining isolated during the day. While too much camaraderie can upset productivity, workplace friendships and respect inspire trust, loyalty, and productivity.


  • Don’t ignore potential problems. As with any relationship, unaddressed communication issues can and will fester. Involve an HR representative if needed, but encourage employees to find common ground in the workplace. They don’t need to like each other, but they must respect each other’s work and boundaries.


  • Focus on the positive. Creating a culture of positivity promotes communication and productivity success. Use positive communication practices, such as praising others for jobs well done, delivering inspiring and constructive criticism, and motivating a team to share in each other’s successes.


  • Get away from email. Face-to-face contact enhances communication. If you need to communicate with someone one office over or down the hall, physically go and speak to him or her. In addition to improving communication clarity, getting up throughout the day may improve your overall health and ability to focus.

Recognize the warning signs early to avoid communication breakdowns, and focus on building an open and collaborative work environment. Strong communication is the key to business success in the modern workplace.

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4 Signs You Need to Invest in Business Development Coaching

How to Tell if You Need a Business Development Coach

business-coachRunning a business is fun and challenging, but sometimes that challenge can become overwhelming. As the business owner or leader of your department, knowing when to seek help is as crucial a tool as knowing when to delegate tasks. A business development coach can advise you in both areas. With the right guidance, your business will grow stronger because you are dedicated to finding help when you need it.

If you aren’t sure whether a business coach is right for you, look for a few specific signs. We’ve listed some of the most common ones below.

You’re Burned Out

You used to wake up excited to go to work every day. Now the amount of what you have to do overwhelms you. The thought of looking at that pile on your desk ratchets up your anxiety every Sunday night. If this describes you, you are probably approaching burnout – or already there – and need a coach. A business coach will teach you how to delegate responsibilities and prioritize what you need to do. Additionally, a coach will teach you ways to communicate better with employees, clients, and vendors so everyone gets the most out of your services and products.

You’ve Hit a Plateau

In other words, you aren’t getting the results you want. This happens to many business owners who try several methods to move a product or generate interest in their services but find none of those methods work. Too much trial and error can lead to burnout, as detailed above. Additionally, constant plateaus seriously harm employee morale, which can leave you with significant human resource problems.

A business coach will analyze your growth methods and tell you quickly what is and is not working. He or she will discuss short- and long-term goals with you, helping you decide which ones to tackle first and how to do so. Finally, he or she can give you tips on improving the work atmosphere and boosting morale.

You Procrastinate

focusMany business owners know what they need to do to improve their companies, but sometimes they fail to do it. This happens for a variety of reasons; maybe the business owner is a perfectionist worried about getting it right or maybe discouragement has set in because clients are complaining. If you can’t seem to translate ideas into action, it’s time to hire a business coach. A coach can give you the boost you need to stop talking about what you want to do and actually do it.

You Hate Your Job

When you began your business, it was fun. You believed in your product or service and were passionate about helping people see its benefits. Now, running a business is drudgery. You have no one to confide in, and none of your tasks feel fun. A coach can be your confidant and help you focus on the things you love most about what you do. The more you focus on what you love, the more you’ll feel prepared to handle less desirable tasks. You’ll feel supported and over time, remember what compelled you to start a business in the first place.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Leadership Development and Team Building

Changing the Way You Hire: Remote Workers and the Freelance Movement

laptopEmbracing Remote Connectivity and the Gig Workforce

Many young workers do not share the same workplace values as older generations. Instead of compensation, millennials want to feel valued and experience flexible work arrangements. They may feel constrained in traditional office environments and roles. To become strong business leaders, many businesses are changing the way they look at the modern workforce.

The Appeal of Remote Workers for Businesses and Job Seekers

Remote employment and freelance work has grown in popularity for a number of reasons. Workers want to have control over what they do and when and where they do it. For individuals with diverse skillsets who may not fit into one position, flexible work represents an opportunity to build certain skills without feeling locked into one career path.

For employers, freelance and remote work significantly reduces overhead costs. Employers are typically not responsible for providing benefits to contractors, and remote workers do not need office space and don’t use building utilities while they work. Employers have also found that remote work improves their ability to find qualified talent. They can hire workers all over the world who meet their business needs either temporarily or permanently.

Enhancing the Remote Worker Experience

For freelancers and remote employees, the work arrangement can make or break the experience for both parties. Without the right collaboration tools, businesses may suffer from inefficiency, and remote work can become isolating. If you’re thinking about integrating remote work into your business model, here are some considerations to keep in mind:


  • Collaboration tools – Businesses need reliable modes of communication for all remote workers. Think about the hardware requirements for the job as well as your communication needs.

    For instance, a geographically dispersed design team may need to communicate visually. Videoconferencing equipment can bridge geographical barriers without interrupting productivity.

  • Strategy for production – Checks and balances keep government branches from stepping out of their bounds, and every business should also have a series of checks and balances to keep projects moving forward. Who will take responsibility for remote worker productivity? How will you measure quality and success?
  • The business relationship – Humans are social creatures, generally speaking. In isolation, the business relationship can start to suffer. Before you release workers into a remote environment, plan for a way to help each individual feel connected to the larger organization. Consider hosting annual get-togethers, virtual meetings, and sending out routine updates to help everyone feel valued.
  • Freelancers are not employees – Many of the same rules that apply to remote workers apply to freelancers, but not all. If you plan to hire a freelancer, talk to your business attorney about contracts and applicable employment laws.
  • Prepare for cultural differences – When you expand your workforce – freelance or permanent – to various corners of the globe, create a plan for addressing cultural differences. Always talk to contractors and prospects about any customs that may affect operations.

Remote work may not work for every business or workforce. Each business should evaluate its goals and needs to create a new, mobile-friendly business model. Many businesses find that a hybrid approach with flexible in-office hours makes the most sense. Start slow with flex-hours, and then move to full-time remote work or freelance hiring processes. You may find a more fulfilling and efficient way of doing business.

CLICK HERE to learn more with my Leadership Coaching program.

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