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Transitioning Back to Work After an Extended Absence

Extended absences from work are fairly common in today’s workplace. From the joys of being a stay-at-home parent to the challenge of long-term illness, heading back to work after an extended absence can be difficult. Whatever the reason for your absence, when it’s time to head back to work, there are a few things to keep in mind for the transition.

Choose a Focus

When coming back to work after an extended absence, it is important to focus your efforts. Should you concentrate on what your college major was, or do you have work experience that would lead you into your previous field? Your resume should reflect the experience that relates to the field of your desired job. If your degree was in Marketing but you found you didn’t enjoy that field, consider jobs where marketing experience is a plus but not the end job. Likewise, if you found yourself unhappy in your past jobs, use those experiences to target your efforts at finding another one.

Consider Your Soft Skills

Hard skills are evidenced by degrees or agility – typing speed, speaking a foreign language, or earning a secondary degree are all good examples. Soft skills aren’t as quantifiable, but they are often equally important. Look for a job that uses these natural skills and create a resume that reflects them. Sometimes, these soft skills aren’t apparent until you reach the interview stage, so, when you get there, be ready to discuss them.

Attend Professional Events

Research your area to find professional opportunities. These could include workshops, clinics, conferences, classes and more. Make sure you record these on your resume as professional development so any potential employer will see you are enthusiastic about your choice of career and that you are up to date with the latest information. Any program that gives you a certificate or a certification at the end is especially relevant.

Make Connections in Your Field

Attending these professional events is a great opportunity to network with people in your chosen field. Be honest and open about your job search. Someone may hear your story and end up having the perfect connection for your situation. Both professional and social connections are important. You never know who will have a connection with exactly the right person for your dream job.

Get Professional Assistance

A plethora of resources are available to job seekers looking to get back into their careers, but sometimes it takes a knowledgeable eye to find them. From professional resume builders to career coaching, turning to someone who knows how to help you shine could be a crucial step, especially when you’ve been out of the game for a while.

Reentering the workplace after an absence – whether it was your choice to leave or not – takes some adjustments in thinking. It’s unlikely that you will score your dream placement overnight, so accept that it may take some time to find the right spot and practice patience during your hunt – it’s a necessary skill no matter what field you are in.

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7 Tips to Up Your Job Search Game

how to find a job

Looking for a new job can be an exhausting process. It involves endless interviews, cover letters, and references. However, before tackling any part of the application process, you need to be able to find the right jobs. Follow these tips to improve your search for potential jobs.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

The first thing you need to do is face reality. You will not be able to find the right job if you have unrealistic expectations about your qualifications. Even if you do not have the experience or skill for a management job now, you can start at a lower position and work your way up in the company.

2. Review Your Resume

Briefly scan your resume. Potential employers will most likely make a decision about you after less than a minute of looking at your resume. Many companies even have computer programs that automatically reject applications that do not include certain details. Review your resume and think about what kind of message it sends. If it is convoluted or vague and it takes a few minutes to understand what you have to offer, revise it.

3. Focus on Networking

how to find the right jobWhile online job boards and career databases are a great way to find potential jobs, they yield poor results when it comes to actually getting the job. Find companies you may want to work with on a job board and then see if you know anyone with connections to that company. Personal recommendations are exponentially more meaningful to potential employers than online applications.

4. Apply to a Large Number of Jobs

People rarely get the first job on their list. Chances are high that forty other people applied for the same position and at least a few of them are more qualified. Because of this, you must apply for a large number of jobs. Send your resume to ten employers because eight of them may not grant you an interview. The more jobs you apply for, the more likely it is that you will find the perfect one for you.

5. Consider Volunteering

If you do not have the necessary experience to get the job you want, consider volunteering. It will give you more experience and show potential employers that you are serious and passionate about your career. Volunteering is also a great way to network, as it gives you an opportunity to create relationships with people in your field.

6. Create Achievable Goals

Staying positive during your job search is the only way to remain motivated enough to persevere through the rejection. Create goals that you know you can achieve. If you find yourself constantly failing to meet your daily or weekly goals, you will quickly feel burnt out and frustrated.

7. Take Care of Yourself

You first priority should always be to take care of yourself. While it is necessary to push through inevitable frustration during your job search, do not let yourself get burnt out by working too much and constantly dealing with stress. If you need to take a brief break to decompress and re-center yourself, take a break. You will not be able to effectively search and secure a job if you are not in a good mental or emotional place.

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