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The Best Benefits of Being a Solopreneur

solopreneur tips

A business owner who runs and works his or her own business is a powerful person, indeed. Solopreneurs are becoming more and more popular across the country. Individuals are jumping at the chance to claim the associated benefits for themselves.

So what’s so great about being a Solopreneur? Plenty!

Here are Just a Few of the Benefits:

Work as much as you want. Some careers don’t offer enough room for workaholics to grow. When you’re behind the wheel of your own business, you expend all that energy and enthusiasm for the good of your brand.

Keep all the profits. Once taxes are out of the way, you won’t have to share your money with anyone else. You’ll have no employee payroll, no greedy investors – just big opportunities for financial success.

Be in charge of all the hiring. Whether you need a seasonal contractor or temporary guidance from an advisor, you get to make all the decisions for yourself. You can be as selective as you like – without having to consult a committee.

Be able to run at maximum efficiency. When you’re the only one on your team, you’ll never have to guess whether your employees are performing up to par. Solopreneurs can experiment with automation and outsourcing to create the most streamlined business model possible.

benefits of a solopreneurFeel more fulfilled. Few things in life are as exciting as carving out a place in the world for your business. The risks and rewards are so much greater than the regular corporate grind. Solopreneurs have the opportunity to experience hard-earned success in a way most of us never will.

Be able to change at the drop of a hat. Solopreneurs can switch the course of the entire company with only themselves to consider. They can remodel the business and pivot with an agility that’s truly unbelievable.

Have a company that’s 100 percent yours. Making decisions can be overwhelming. For solopreneurs, it’s exhilarating. When you travel the business road alone, you’ll be able to decide every single detail.

Have whatever schedule you like. If you’re a night owl or early bird, you can work when you want to work. When you craft every detail of your company, you can choose how long to work to fit your life best.

Being a solopreneur is a challenge unlike any other, but the rewards can far exceed your expectations.

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Business-Building Tips for First-Timers

small business owner

Starting a Business is Very Exciting!

It has the potential to be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do and could dramatically change the course of your future. Of course, beginning a company comes with countless questions and decisions. While many of them will be specific to your niche, there are certain tips that support the core of every new company.

If You’re Beginning the Life of a Business Owner, Heed the Following Advice:

1. Choose a business about which you are knowledgeable and passionate.

It’s difficult to build a company from scratch, and nothing gives you a better chance to finish it than personal enthusiasm and desire. Always start with something you enjoy.

2. Make sure your business has opportunity.

Some companies simply can’t survive in today’s entrepreneurial ecosystem – no matter how much you love them (VHS rentals, for example). Start with something that has the opportunity to grow.

3. Dive in with full pockets.

Starting a business is costly, so you should be prepared. Gathering startup financing can be arduous; you should be ready to supplement with as much of your own money as possible. Lots of development, production, and marketing costs can plague new unprepared companies.

4. Do your homework.

Know who your closest competition is and why people love them. If you can find a weak spot in their plans or take your services beyond what they do, you’ll be in a better place to rake in the customers.

business research5. Create a solid pitch.

Before you start sending your advertisements into the world, you need to have a clear mission statement. Take time to think about what problems your services or products eliminate and then think about whom such issues affect. Build goals and compelling descriptions (especially before you search for investors).

6. Find worthy employees.

Many companies will fill positions with the cheapest possible workers. Instead, make sure your new employees are a match for your products and all of your goals. The more passionate they are about the business the better they’ll perform.

If you’re starting a business of your own, take these tips to heart. With a bit of extra preparation and common sense you’ll be well on your way to a successful company in no time.

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Biting the Bullet: Knowing When to Hire a Business Coach

Stressed businesswoman

There are few things more fulfilling than making your own decisions, especially when it comes to the direction of your business.

Sometimes it can be hard to choose the right direction. In that case, you should see a business coach to guide you. A business coach is a professional who can show you the path through all the tough parts of owning a business. It may feel as if you’re giving up on your own abilities, but business coaches work to train you to function on your own in the future.

If you’re not sure whether you could benefit from the help of business coach, that’s OK. It’s a big step for many entrepreneurs. Some situations make it easier to decide.

Here Are the Top Signs You Should Enlist the Help of a Professional Business Coach.

1. You’re Drowning in Obligations and Decisions

Feeling overwhelmed is the biggest sign you should turn to someone else for assistance. If you simply don’t have enough hours in the day, then you’re taking on too much. If you feel as if you’re stuck in an endless loop of uncertainty and have no control, you need to bring a business coach onboard.

2. You Need to Bounce Your Ideas off Someone Else

There are business details you can’t share with your employees, friends, or family members, because they don’t have enough understanding of your business to be of any assistance. It’s important to be able to talk to someone about your company, whether it’s about making decisions or simply sharing your excitement about what you are accomplishing. A business coach is someone you can always turn to for honest feedback and support.

Woman Thinking Of Ideas, Plans And Dreams3. You Have Big Ideas, But They Never Come to Fruition

Have you ever drafted a brilliant concept for your company, only to beat around the bush until the idea falls back into oblivion? Business coaches are motivators, but they’re also partners. A good coach will help you break down your goals and ideas into small, achievable steps that make a difference. If your company isn’t fulfilling its potential, a coach can help.

Although it may seem a daunting task, hiring a business coach could very well be the best decision you make for your company. No one likes to tackle obstacles alone, and with the right partner, you’ll never have to go it alone.

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How To Navigate Your First Year as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneur coach

Congratulations on starting your new business.

In an economy where the traditional 9-to-5 job is giving way, there is plenty of room for everyone to grow. However, the first year is hard on any entrepreneur. Knowing what to expect and how to operate your business smoothly will help you navigate that year successfully.

Keep Goals Realistic

Most people begin entrepreneurship with long-term goals, such as becoming the leading service or product provider in their area. Long-term goals are great. They show you have vision. Yet focusing too much on them can leave you burned out and feeling like a failure. Keep long-term goals in mind, but make plenty of short-term ones. A short-term goal might be making X amount of money in the first month or drawing in Y number of clients.

Get a Support System

Entrepreneurship is lonely. There’s no way around it, even if you have business partners. However, you should have a support system. These people can be friends and family, mentors, and colleagues in or outside of your field. If you run a bookstore, you’ll naturally want colleagues and supporters who know books. Additionally, you’ll also want supporters in the IT business or people who serve foodstuffs that you can sell in an on-site shop.

entrepreneur coachingAccept Criticism and Failure

The worst thing you can tell yourself is, “Failure is not an option.” Everyone fails, and it doesn’t mean your business will tank. Sometimes the people who tell you “no” at first will become people who say “yes” later. Listen to constructive criticism, and think about where you can change. If you aren’t sure, ask a mentor. If one change doesn’t work, make a new one. Use social media, email, and other avenues to find out what your clients like. Build on what they say.

Do What You Love

Before starting a business, think about your passions. What services or products do you want to bring to people? How do you want them to feel? What can you offer that similar businesses can’t? When you can answer these questions, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

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Solopreneur Coach NJ

Interview Primer – 5 Tips for a Good First Impression

career coaching

We all want to present our best selves in job interviews.

Unfortunately, we all make mistakes, even if we’ve prepared adequately. Most of the time, interviewees aren’t aware they’re making a mistake. If you know what to avoid, you will impress your interviewer and have a better chance of getting the job you want.

Research the Company

Interviewers appreciate it when you walk in with company knowledge. You don’t have to know everything, but doing basic homework helps. Otherwise, it may seem you don’t care about the position or the company. Start with a simple Google search and lurk around the company’s website and social media sites. Get a feel for its workplace, mission, and culture.

Dress Well

Ideally, no one should judge you by the way you look, but we don’t live in an ideal world. How you dress says plenty about who you are. The wrong clothes leave a poor impression. How you dress should be dictate in part by the company you are interviewing with. This is when that company research will come in handy. For a company with a more relaxed culture and atmosphere, it’s best to wear business casual clothing. For women, this means a dress, a skirt that hits the knee or below, or tailored slacks with a nice blouse. For men, it means khakis or tailored dark trousers, a button-down shirt, and loafers. If you’re interviewing with a law firm or another professional services firm, they will expect business attire. Overall, do not wear excessive jewelry or makeup. Cover tattoos. Don’t even think of wearing sneakers or flip-flops.

job coachUse Proper Phone Etiquette

An interview is not the time to answer your phone, respond to a text or get notified of a friend’s Facebook post. Consider shutting your phone off during the interview, or at the very least turn the ringer off. The interview is your chance to impress your potential employers and demonstrate the kind of employee they want to hire and retain for their business. Fixating on your phone could be interpreted as disrespectful and demonstrates a lack of interest. If an employer thinks you’re wasting their time, you have no chance of getting the job.

Do Not Bring Food or Drink

If you enter with food or drink, your interviewer will think you are focusing more on it than on the task. Eating or drinking during an interview also makes you look hurried and unprofessional. Finally, many interviewees use food or drink as distractions. They play with wrappers or fiddle with coffee cups. Such gestures tell the interviewer you lack confidence and focus. Finish eating and drinking beforehand.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

Interviewers appreciate applicants who ask thoughtful questions. Ask about expectations, including how promotions are decided and what character traits the workplace needs most. If you’re replacing someone, politely ask why he or she left. Limit yourself to two or three well-thought-out questions.

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Delivering a Memorable Presentation in Four Steps


Most people fear public speaking. In fact, more people fear public speaking than fear death.

Work-related presentations are often the most nerve-wracking of all, but they don’t have to be. Good preparation helps you feel confident in your material, your abilities, and the response you’ll receive from an audience.

Grab the Audience’s Attention

Start your presentation with something memorable. Avoid phrases like, “Let’s get started.” These make you look uncomfortable and uncertain about what you want to say. Tell a related anecdote. Ask a series of questions that will make your audience think, “Yes, I feel this way,” “Yes, I need this,” or “Me, too.” Sometimes you can begin with a joke or a somewhat inflammatory statement like, “I hate committee meetings.” However, use these sparingly. Read the audience members. If you don’t think they’ll respond well, then they probably won’t.

presentation workshopsLet the Audience Focus on You, Not the Screen

Since our society is so technologically driven, presenters are tempted to rely on PowerPoint, videos, and other computer-based aids. Resist this urge. If your audience does nothing but stare at a screen, they will get bored. Some of them might fall asleep. If you must use notes, consider paper handouts, perhaps with blanks to fill in or space for questions and comments. This helps the audience interact with you.

Research First

If you don’t know what you’re talking about, your audience will figure it out quickly. Do your homework, even if you’re comfortable with the topic. Let’s say you’ve given presentations on Myers-Briggs personality types for years. Refresh your memory, so you don’t accidentally call an Artisan an Idealist. If you use statistics in your presentations, always check to ensure those numbers haven’t changed. This builds the audience’s confidence and trust.

Keep It Short

Many audiences dread speakers, assuming they’ll drone on forever. Smash that expectation with a short speech. Beforehand, choose two to four points you want to hit and make sure you cover them within a reasonable period. If you have a time limit, respect it. Going over your allotted time affects everyone’s schedule.

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3 Ways to Improve Communication in the Workplace

communication breakdowns

No matter your field, communication skills are a must.

Poor communication leads to mistakes, some of which can be irreparable and can damage your reputation with employees and clients. However, good business communication is a learned skill, and you can improve your skills. Familiarizing yourself with some basic rules will dramatically improve communication in your workplace.

Be Careful With Email

Email is a great tool – it allows employees to pass messages quickly and easily organize reams of information. Email has its downsides, though. For one thing, it is not always secure. Sometimes people you didn’t want to see a message end up knowing sensitive information before they should. Other times, a stray email can make a department worry about matters that don’t affect it. Always make sure your email accounts are secure and that you send messages only to those who need them.

Additionally, be careful when phrasing emails. Do not use all caps or excessive punctuation. This makes the reader feel you’re yelling at him or her. Don’t use sarcasm, even if you think the reader will take it as meant. Be as formal and polite as possible.

Office Teamwork

Collaborate Often

Employees don’t like to feel isolated, but they do like to bounce ideas off each other. Collaborative work makes this possible. Assign team projects often. If you can’t, use computer and email applications that let different people work on the same documents. This lets employees see and respond to each other’s ideas and changes in real time.

Encourage Speaking Up

Some workplaces don’t encourage employees to speak up. Sometimes employees fear discipline if they offer a dissenting opinion. Don’t let your workplace become one of these environments. Encourage employees to share their likes, dislikes, needs, and struggles. You may find that many employees share the same concerns, which makes it easier to implement changes.

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Insights from a Solopreneur Coach: Avoid Burnout and Set Yourself Up for Success

As a solopreneur, you are in charge of everything from the way you brand yourself to building a sufficient book of business.

Your energy and enthusiasm in the first few months will be high as you begin to see the possibilities in your new venture. Over time, though, this initial rush of adrenaline may fade and leave you feeling exhausted handling daily operations.

Don’t give up. You can find balance, maintain your independence, and succeed as a solopreneur. Consider these insights as your guide to achieving manageable success in the first years of business:


  • Create a schedule. Many people believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” In a solopreneur venture, your time is money. As a one-person band, you will need to set aside time for profit-generating work, as well as office administration. Use an app such as Toggl to manage time, and look into solutions for workflow automation to maximize your time during each day.


  • Get ahead. As a solopreneur, time away from work can significantly hinder your business. Instead of constantly playing catch up, consider working ahead of schedule as much as possible. Give yourself the freedom to enjoy personal activities when you’ve got an afternoon or a free weekend because you worked really hard during the week.


  • Prioritize your health. While the immediacy of a project may lure you into the office at all hours, avoid working beyond your means. Eat regular, nutritious meals, exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, and don’t sacrifice your sleep. Over time, bad habits will catch up to you and may jeopardize your ability to maintain a successful business.


  • Consider outsourcing some of your business activities. Outsourcing has become an affordable option for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Let someone else handle your payroll so you can focus on bringing in more leads, or invest in outside marketing while you cater to your current client base.


  • Stay hungry for educational opportunities. Work smarter to boost your output and increase the value of your business. Consider investing in solopreneur coaching, regular seminars, and online courses to stay current in the industry and maximize your earning potential.


  • Get a handle on money management. Finances are a huge source of stress for individuals and business leaders. As a solopreneur, money management affects both your business and your personal quality of life. Save money and create a buffer for the future as much as possible. Sticking to a budget will reduce stress and improve the financial health of your solopreneur venture.

Whether you decide to hire a solopreneur coach to maximize your potential, or to take some time for yourself every day, make a commitment to do something new for your business on a regular basis. A solopreneur business should ultimately deliver the freedom and success you’ve always wanted.

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Improve Business Outcomes with These Communication Tactics

Business leaders and supervisors are not the only ones responsible for strong workplace communication.

Every employee needs successful communication skills to avoid communication breakdown and engage productively with others. The way you speak to and listen to others is not only polite, it’s a leadership skill that will serve you well in any line of work.

If you are worried about communication in the workplace, start with you. Instead of complaining or criticizing other team members, look at your own communication skills. Are you setting a good example of positive and respectful communication on a daily basis, or are you contributing to potential difficulties?

Here are some of the most effective strategies business leaders can use to avoid communication breakdown and thrive in the workplace:

  • Encourage free-flowing communication. Empower team members to engage with each other on a regular basis. Assign a point person for certain assignments and projects, but give everyone an opportunity to make decisions and engage on an equal playing field. When employees feel they can speak openly, businesses often discover innovative new solutions and improved productivity rates.


  • Invest in collaboration services. In today’s world, more employees are working from home or on the go. Instead of relying on regular meetings, phone calls, and emailed communications, consider investing in collaboration solutions, such as instant-messaging services and document-sharing programs. Make communication an easy part of the daily workflow.


  • Teach, preach, and showcase positive communication. In school, someone might take a class on public speaking or mass communications, but they rarely learn about effective interpersonal communication. Consider hiring a communications expert to provide a seminar on workplace communication skills. Understanding the elements of good communication in-person, online, and on the phone will help employees maintain mindfulness of their own behaviors.


  • Remember every employee is an asset. Don’t dismiss someone based on rank and file. Sometimes, the most innovative solutions come from unexpected places. When leaders show consideration to every employee, they can build morale and loyalty among all staff members.


  • Help employees see their contributions. Take time to recognize individuals, teams, and departments during organizational meetings. Then, give them the power to take their success further. Educate everyone on the current state of the business and goals for the future so everyone feels actively engaged in meaningful business outcomes. Taking the time to instill a sense of pride in employees will improve job satisfaction rates and may reduce employee turnover.

Add communication goals to the list for your next strategic planning meeting. Strong, company-wide collaboration skills take time to develop, but will serve your business well. Take the time to avoid communication breakdown and see how far your team, department, and business can go.

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Adopt These 6 Habits to Develop Strong Sales

Developing a successful career in sales requires certain skills.

Some individuals were born with sales skills — they intuitively understand human communication and how to close the deal. Other salespeople can enjoy the same level of success, but they need to develop certain skills, such as relationship-building, on-the-spot speaking, and how to keep the conversation positive.

Whether you’re in your first sales job or are a seasoned veteran, consider how these habits and practices might improve your performance on a daily basis:

Strong sales professionals spend most of their time on preparation. You need to know your pitch and your product or service inside and out. One of the most common pet peeves consumers and B2B purchasers have about working with sales professionals is their level of understanding.

If you don’t understand your lead, their needs, and your product, you cannot create a compelling sales argument. Take time to familiarize yourself with specifications, commonly asked questions, and any technical basics you might need to earn your prospect’s trust.

They remain true to themselves. Strong sales professionals remain authentic whether they’re selling something they love or something they hate. Use your life experience and perspective to help a lead make a decision, and focus on those qualities. Modern consumers are smart, and they typically know if a sales professional is not 100% behind his or her claim. True enthusiasm goes a long way.

They constantly analyze the sales cycle. Many modern sales professionals play a role in every step of a sales process, from marketing to retention activities. Break down your cycle into individual steps, then measure your effectiveness at each step. Do you lose leads during the nurturing phase, or do you have trouble closing the deal? If you know your weaknesses, you can take meaningful steps to improve.

They build and value personal relationships. Good sales relationships extend beyond the sale. Effective sales people constantly work to build their networks and maintain open lines of communications with potential leads, as well as others they can help and who can help them.

They put the customer first. In sales, listening is just as important (if not more important) than talking. If you can focus on the customer, understand his or her needs, and offer a value-added solution, you will win your lead’s trust and improve your ability to close the sale.

They know when to ask for help. When sales professionals have trouble maintaining productivity, they invest in the help they need to get back on track. Sales-coaching programs allow salespeople to work on their weaknesses, so they can improve skills such as relationship-building, setting up a sales strategy, or maintaining a positive mindset.

You have an opportunity to improve your sales skills during every conversation you have tomorrow. Incorporate these habits into your daily practices, seek help from a sales coach if you need it, and watch a successful career unfold. You’ve got what it takes to be great.

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