Showing 244 Result(s)

The Difference Between Networking and Building Your Community

how to build a community

As the digital age changes, so does the process of professional networking. Opportunities to build your community are growing along with the changes at an equal rate. But what is the difference between a network and a community? While it’s true that somewhere around 85% of jobs are filled through networking, people are increasingly seeking not only to make connections, but to make more meaningful ones. So how do you get there?

The Difference

A network is a system of interconnected people. You might, for example, know your neighbor who knows someone who can fix your water heater. This is an example of a network connecting you to someone you need. In the case of jobs and employment, expanding your network can mean more opportunities. However, in a network, it is likely that one side has more interest in the relationship than the other. This relationship could be strengthened if both parties showed interest in the connection. When a group of people are mutually interested in the relationship, they have formed a community.

Know Yourself First

When building a community, it is important to have some self-awareness. Find out what types of community-building work best for you – for instance, are you introverted or extraverted? Understanding yourself will determine more effective ways of building relationships, and will affect whether you invite others to a dinner party or for one-on-one coffee dates. Knowing yourself will, in turn, enable you to get to know others, and begin to build stronger relationships with them.

Shift Your Mindset to Building a Community

Rather than making your goal merely to make a connection that benefits you, instead look for ways in which you can add value to others. Remember, networking happens when you want someone; community happens when someone wants you, too. Pay attention to what sparks their interest while you engage, rather than simply focusing on spouting facts at your audience. Ask open-ended questions that require a response, then take the time to respond to their comments. Really listening and learning from your community is the only way to build true connections.

Technology and Community

Technology and social media can be great tools you can use to amplify and further your community, but they should not be mistaken as being communities, themselves. Vanity metrics, such as likes and shares, can wrongly give the impression that you’ve built something of value, even if you haven’t.

Where possible, look for ways to engage on personal levels, demonstrating empathy and strengthening ties. Building relationships gently over time, by commenting and listening to responses, will go a long way in finding like-minded companies and individuals to connect with on social media. When utilizing social media platforms, keep reminded of your goals and intentions as you seek to build your network and community.

Decide What You Are Trying to Accomplish

Whether building your network or community, it is important to ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to build a portfolio of clients? Are you merely looking for a larger number of contacts? Do you hope that someone you meet will lead you to that one “big break” in your career?

You need to flesh out what you are looking for in your professional goals, and how the way you network is either helping or hindering that effort. Take some time to evaluate your intentions, then take these tips into practice as you begin to better invest in valuable connections and real relationships.

Additional Resources:


What Solopreneurs Need to Know About Public Relations

public relations for solopreneurs

A solopreneur faces several major obstacles on their path to business success. Not the least of these challenges is the shifting sands of the public relations world. A single business owner already runs all functions of his or her enterprise, and adding the PR hat to that wardrobe is difficult. That said, managing public relations doesn’t need to be a challenge, and solopreneurs are just as capable of running their PR as any other business.

What is Public Relations?

PR is not advertising. The two may appear similar to outsiders, but their content and function could not be more different.

Public relations serves to drum up credibility for a business, without resorting to direct marketing. Advertising, on the other hand, is less about establishing a good rapport with the public as much as it is about making the public awareness of a company in the first place. An ad is about selling; public relations is about enhancing.

Small businesses might look at this dichotomy and think that advertising is all they need to focus on – nobody knows they exist, after all, so what value does PR add to their company?

The reality is that public relations is also a form of marketing – but rather than relying on a plea for attention, it builds legitimacy through well-regarded channels. A good shorthand is that advertising is something like a commercial or the traditional ads in newspapers. PR material, on the other hand, is news like any other – even if the end goal is to draw in customers.

When Should a Business Use PR?

solopreneursThe most important step is to have something to share. It’s not enough to put out a press release if that release is void of any interesting or valuable content. Your company may have just released a new patch for its proprietary software, or you’ve started selling a new type of widget. This is newsworthy. General status updates are not.

Don’t be intimidated because your business is small either. An interesting piece or news article is sufficient, even if you’re the head of a three-person team.

How to Take Hold of Your Public Relations

It may sound surprising, but journalists agree – cold pitches work, but need some special attention to get picked up. First, you should address a specific individual for every pitch, even if you’re working from a template to send to multiple publications. Ignoring the personal when it comes to pitches means you may send a food journalist a release about your new line of grills.

As a solopreneur, your pitches and releases won’t be the same as those of a huge firm with established PR departments. But if you show flexibility with news sites and journalists, as well as a personable demeanor, you are one step closer to successfully managing your PR.

Don’t sweat if your initial contacts don’t work out. Sometimes it’s a matter of journalists being busy people. Other times you may have contacted the wrong person altogether. Either way, your best hope at success comes from follow-up and flexibility.

Additional Resources:


Course Connection’s September Installment


NINE and DINE in a New Format!

COURSE CONNECTIONS is a one-of-a-kind event combining the art of networking with the joy of playing golf. Join us on Thursday, September 13th for the next installment of the 7th Annual season of this incredible series.

Newbies! We want you! Driving range practice is one thing. PLAYING is THE REAL THING!

Warm up on the range with Joe Haggerty, PGA Professional at Montclair Golf Club, followed by playing, hacking or just advancing your ball through 9 holes followed by a FANTASTIC Cocktail Hour of networking, light bites and camaraderie on The 19th Hole!


Consider These 3 Questions:

  1. Have you ever thought that you are you missing out on some great networking opportunities that take place on the golf course?
  2. Have you wondered about the correlation between playing golf to being successful in business?
  3. Would you like to be introduced to or play the game in an intimate, private setting with one of the top golf professionals in New Jersey?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions OR are a business professional OR in career transition, then please join me, Susan Ascher and Joe Haggerty, PGA professional at this special event:


WHERE: Montclair Golf Club, 25 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ – a Platinum Club of America and one of the top 100 Country Clubs nationally.
ATTIRE: Proper attire for this event includes Bermuda shorts (no more than 2 inches above the knee), Capri pants, or a skort. Shirts may be sleeveless and collared or sleeved and un-collared. Golf shoes or sneakers are required.
CLUBS: Bring your own golf clubs, or we can provide them for you the day of the event. Any questions, please email Susan Ascher at [email protected].

If playing golf is not your thing, come join us on the terrace for more great networking, cocktails and light fare after golf!


  • 2:30-3:00 pm Lace Up/Meet Up
  • 3:00-4:00 pm Golf Instruction
  • 4:00 pm 9-Hole Scramble
  • 6:30 pm Networking/The 19th Hole

1 Ticket – $179.00
2 Tickets – $299.00
3 Tickets – $399.00
Includes Golf Clinic, 9 Hole Scramble, Networking, Cocktails and Small Plates

$79.00 p/ticket
Includes Networking, Cocktails and Small Plates Only


Golf & Networking

Networking Only


> Master Networkers
> Accountants
> Attorneys
> Entrepreneurs
>Wealth Managers
> Bankers
> Sales Consultants
>Corporate Executives
> Executives in Transition
> Small Business Owners
> Anyone who wants to learn to play the game of golf
> Anyone who values quality networking


“I have attended many of Susan Ascher’s networking events and Course Connections is one of my favorites. Not only do I get to work on my golf game with expert tips from Montclair Golf Club’s pro, but I also get to make some great connections at dinner. Susan always keeps it fresh and new. Can’t wait for the next event!”

“Thank you so much for throwing another great event Susan. We love being part of your network of friends and I enjoyed meeting some really great people and having a lot of fun on the course with my great group (who shot par for the 9 holes as a team) not that we were keeping score or anything. Looking forward to great connections and future events.”

“Susan has created the perfect environment to bring professionals together to learn about and grow each other’s businesses through Course Connections. The positive energy of the tribe of master networkers she’s assembled makes for easy conversation, fruitful discussions, and most fun of all – a relaxed atmosphere to improve your golf game with pointers from the pros and actual course time to play with your new contacts.”


Best Course Connections Ever!

More Great Connections Were Made at the July 19th Course Connections!

At the risk of repeating myself in my thank you to all of you, those weather gods are amazing. Well, at least they were last Thursday! How lucky were our connectors given the forecast for last week?

And to our Course Connections sponsors, Terry Tatetossian, Ken Krysinski, and Anthony Rossi of Socialfix, Vince Egan, Benjamin Edwards, Stuart Vorcheimer and Glenn Carroll, Peapack-Gladstone Bank, and Karolina Dehnhard, Budd Larner, and all of you who understand the power of making the right connections on the golf course and beyond! Couldn’t do it without my sponsors!

Also, many thanks to our fabulous pro, Joe Haggerty, PGA professional and instructor extraordinaire. A couple of you mentioned that you were interested in lessons, so please, get in touch with Joe. No requirement to be a member at Montclair Golf Club!

And let me not forget Madison, Monica and our wonderful staff at the Montclair Golf Club, who make sure the 19th Hole is always on par!


But mostly to all of YOU for joining last Thursday’s Course Connections! If you have a story to share on a great connection, please please e-mail me and I will include it in a future blog post and email!


(Click Photos to Enlarge)


Finally, please Save the Date for our next Course Connections event on Thursday, September 13th at the Montclair Golf Club!


I am always looking for sponsors for upcoming events. Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring one or all of our upcoming Course Connections events! A great way to get your company’s name out there. Please email or call me for more info!


Thank you again everyone! You are an awesome group and I am thrilled that you came.

See you in September,

Susan Ascher




I have attended many of Susan Ascher’s networking events and Course Connections is one of my favorites. Not only do I get to work on my golf game with expert tips from Montclair Golf Club’s pro, but I also get to make some great connections at dinner. Susan always keeps it fresh and new. Can’t wait for the next event!

— Gina Esa, CEO, CNC Construction

Thank you so much for throwing another great event Susan. We love being part of your network of friends and I enjoyed meeting some really great people and having a lot of fun on the course with my great group (who shot par for the 9 holes as a team) not that we were keeping score or anything. Looking forward to great connections and future events.

— Ken Krysinski, Managing Partner Socialfix

Susan has created the perfect environment to bring professionals together to learn about and grow each other’s businesses through Course Connections. The positive energy of the tribe of master networkers she’s assembled makes for easy conversation, fruitful discussions, and most fun of all – a relaxed atmosphere to improve your golf game with pointers from the pros and actual course time to play with your new contacts.

— Gina Marie Kleinhans, President, Revelation Creative


How to Network Like a Pro

The word “networking” sends many people into a panic, and it’s easy to understand why. We’re told time and again that it’s never “what” you know, but “who” you know. Careers make and break because of our social network, so why shouldn’t you panic?

Because we’re all approaching networking the wrong way.

Building a strong network isn’t about manipulating your way to the top with some carefully concocted persona. If there’s one thing everyone hates, it’s inauthenticity. Successful networking means putting yourself out there. Don’t show the world who you think they want to meet, show them the real you.

Paradigm Shift

The reality is that we’ve all been given the same bad advice. You prepare an elevator speech, print your business cards, and come into a conversation with curated remarks intended to leave an impression.

Then you never hear back.

It’s not that these are bad techniques, it’s that walking around like a billboard for your resume isn’t impressing anyone, and certainly doesn’t show new contacts the real you. Starting an introduction with a bullet-pointed list of your accomplishments only tells the other person you’re after a job or useful reference, not a meaningful business relationship.

Networking isn’t just about you and your accomplishments. You need to show a genuine interest in the other party. Show them that you care about what they do, how their business operates, and ask questions. An elevator pitch isn’t for long events, it’s for interviews or high-speed events. If you have time, don’t rush through the conversation. Genuine connections form because of shared interests, specialties, and mutual relationships. Giving a 60-second pitch all about you means you’re not showing an interest in the other person. It also means they can’t slow you down and ask questions of their own.

At the end of the day, the less you think about networking as, well, networking, the more authentic a person you reveal yourself to be. Networking events are social functions above all else. Though professionalism is key, remember that you’re talking to another person, no matter how high-ranking they are.

Give and Take

Remember that nobody owes you anything. Going into a networking event with the intent to score friends and opportunities without giving anything in return only wastes everyone’s time. The smallest of favors can leave a better impression than the best sales pitch in the world. You also show that you’re goal-oriented, rather than just a smooth talker.

Another way to leave a strong impression is following through on every promise you make. If you say you’ll follow up with an email or business card, absolutely do!

The “Who” of Who You Know

Networking usually brings the same thoughts to mind of watercooler events where young, talented professionals try to get in the good graces of the successful business mogul. But if your approach to networking only involves the top-ranking members of an organization, you’re guaranteed to miss out on some opportunities.

Everyone at a company, regardless of status, has something to offer. Sometimes, it’s as small as a tip about a new project. It can also be huge, like an opening in their department that you’re perfect for. Everyone can offer you something, and all you need to do is meet them.

Additional Resources:


Follow-Up Etiquette for Job Interviews

Determining when and how you should follow up with a prospective employer in the aftermath of an interview can be confusing, but if you neglect to get in touch at all, you may miss an excellent opportunity. Look at the following post-interview etiquette tips to gain a better understanding of the right way to follow up after your job interview.

Ask About Timelines

To follow up with an employer properly, you should have a basic understanding of the recruitment time-frame. A credible employer will give you an idea of when you should expect to hear back and what the next steps in the process are. Don’t leave the interview without asking how you should reach the potential employer once he or she has decided. If your interviewer does not provide this information, it is completely appropriate to ask for it. If you are truly interested in the position, the interviewer will take that question as sincere interest in the position.

Be Gracious

After an interview, always thank your interviewer for making time to see you. You don’t have to wait weeks to send a message after an interview. In fact, sending a brief thank-you email either the day of the interview or a day after an interview is the optimal way to show your gratitude, illustrate your sincere interest in the position, and ensure your interviewer keeps your name in mind.

If you want to add a personal touch to the message, briefly mention a project you discussed during the interview or a moment where you felt a connection with the hiring manager. Be sure to keep your message short and place the primary focus on thanking the hiring manager for his or her time.

When You Don’t Hear Back

In average situations, you should wait two weeks after an interview before reaching out for a status update. If you ask about recruitment timeframes before leaving your interview, you’ll have a better understanding of when you can plan on hearing back.

If the hiring manager told you to plan on hearing back in one week, but two have gone by without any contact, give them a couple of extra days from that time. Call or send your interviewer a short email to inquire about the status of the position. You may want to ask the hiring manager what the preferred method of communication is during the interview, so you can reach them through the appropriate channels and at the right time.

Whether you opt to email or call your interviewer, your message should briefly discuss your interest in the job and welcome him or her to contact you. Avoid using an urgent tone or becoming a pest. Asking someone to get back with you ASAP suggests your time is more important than theirs – a danger when looking for a job.

What Not to Do

When it comes to following up with an interviewer, never approach him or her in person without a direct invitation. You should also refrain from contacting an employer directly if you were originally working with a recruitment firm, as this contact tends to be inappropriate. It can cause both the employer and recruitment agency challenges.

As in the interview, be yourself, but professional. Whatever way you and the employer decide to communicate after an interview, approach it with appreciation that the organization considered you.

Additional Resources:


Course Connection’s July Installment


NINE and DINE in a New Format!

COURSE CONNECTIONS is a one-of-a-kind event combining the art of networking with the joy of playing golf. Join us on Thursday, July 19th for the next installment of the 7th Annual season of this incredible series.

Newbies! We want you! Driving range practice is one thing. PLAYING is THE REAL THING!

Warm up on the range with Joe Haggerty, PGA Professional at Montclair Golf Club, followed by playing, hacking or just advancing your ball through 9 holes followed by a FANTASTIC Cocktail Hour of networking, light bites and camaraderie on The 19th Hole!


Consider These 3 Questions:

  1. Have you ever thought that you are you missing out on some great networking opportunities that take place on the golf course?
  2. Have you wondered about the correlation between playing golf to being successful in business?
  3. Would you like to be introduced to or play the game in an intimate, private setting with one of the top golf professionals in New Jersey?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions OR are a business professional OR in career transition, then please join me, Susan Ascher and Joe Haggerty, PGA professional at this special event:


WHERE: Montclair Golf Club, 25 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ – a Platinum Club of America and one of the top 100 Country Clubs nationally.
ATTIRE: Proper attire for this event includes Bermuda shorts (no more than 2 inches above the knee), Capri pants, or a skort. Shirts may be sleeveless and collared or sleeved and un-collared. Golf shoes or sneakers are required.
CLUBS: Bring your own golf clubs, or we can provide them for you the day of the event. Any questions, please email Susan Ascher at [email protected].

If playing golf is not your thing, come join us on the terrace for more great networking, cocktails and light fare after golf!


  • 4:00 PM Arrival and Warm-up
  • 4:30 Tee Off with the Pro
  • 6:30 Cocktails, Networking and Lite Bites

1 Ticket – $179.00
2 Tickets – $299.00
3 Tickets – $399.00
Includes Golf Clinic, 9 Hole Scramble, Networking, Cocktails and Small Plates

$79.00 p/ticket
Includes Networking, Cocktails and Small Plates Only


Golf & Networking

Networking Only


> Master Networkers
> Accountants
> Attorneys
> Entrepreneurs
>Wealth Managers
> Bankers
> Sales Consultants
>Corporate Executives
> Executives in Transition
> Small Business Owners
> Anyone who wants to learn to play the game of golf
> Anyone who values quality networking


“Such a beautiful evening! Susan is the perfect host. I can see why she is such a successful life and work coach!!”

“Thank you so much Susan Ascher. Course Connections was so fabulous! I loved the golf lesson and golfing and meeting so many wonderful, accomplished people for the networking cocktail party afterwards. You are amazing at bringing people together.”

“I am so glad I attended this wonderful event. Not only did I get to play golf but I got to meet some amazing and accomplished people. I can’t wait for the next one!”







A Gorgeous Day for Course Connections!

Many Great Connections Were Made at the Launch of the 7th Annual Course Connections on May 24th!

First let me thank the weather gods: what an absitively GORGEOUS day and evening!

And to our Course Connections sponsors: Terry Tateossian and Anthony Rossi of Socialfix; Vince Egan, Benjamin Edwards; Stuart Vorcheimer and Glenn Carroll, Peapack-Gladstone Bank, and Karolina Dehnhard, Budd Larner — all who understand the power of making the right connections on the golf course and beyond! Couldn’t do it without my sponsors!

Also, many thanks to our fabulous pro, Joe Haggerty, PGA professional and instructor extraordinaire. Please feel free to contact Joe if you want to continue private lessons with him! He is EXPERT at elevating one’s game!

And let me not forget Monica and our wonderful staff at the Montclair Golf Club, who make sure the 19th Hole is always on par!


But mostly to all of YOU for joining last Thursday’s Course Connections! I have heard from many of you that a lot of great connections were made! What an amazing group of professionals and world-class networkers!

If you have a story to share on a great connection, please e-mail me and I will include it in a future blog post and email!


(Click Photos to Enlarge)


Finally, please Save the Date for our next Course Connections event on Thursday, July 19th at the Montclair Golf Club. (The anniversary of the day I started my company. Looks like another cake in the offing)! Anyone with a birthday in July, let me know and you will be featured as well!


I am always looking for sponsors for upcoming events. Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring one or all of our upcoming Course Connections events! A great way to get your company’s name out there. Please email or call me for more info!


Thank you again everyone! You are an awesome group and I am thrilled that you came.

Warm regards and see you on the links on Thursday, July 19th!

Susan Ascher




“Such a beautiful evening! Susan is the perfect host. I can see why she is such a successful life and work coach!!”

“Thank you so much Susan Ascher. Course Connections was so fabulous! I loved the golf lesson and golfing and meeting so many wonderful, accomplished people for the networking cocktail party afterwards. You are amazing at bringing people together.”

“I am so glad I attended this wonderful event. Not only did I get to play golf but I got to meet some amazing and accomplished people. I can’t wait for the next one!”


7 Tips to Up Your Job Search Game

how to find a job

Looking for a new job can be an exhausting process. It involves endless interviews, cover letters, and references. However, before tackling any part of the application process, you need to be able to find the right jobs. Follow these tips to improve your search for potential jobs.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

The first thing you need to do is face reality. You will not be able to find the right job if you have unrealistic expectations about your qualifications. Even if you do not have the experience or skill for a management job now, you can start at a lower position and work your way up in the company.

2. Review Your Resume

Briefly scan your resume. Potential employers will most likely make a decision about you after less than a minute of looking at your resume. Many companies even have computer programs that automatically reject applications that do not include certain details. Review your resume and think about what kind of message it sends. If it is convoluted or vague and it takes a few minutes to understand what you have to offer, revise it.

3. Focus on Networking

how to find the right jobWhile online job boards and career databases are a great way to find potential jobs, they yield poor results when it comes to actually getting the job. Find companies you may want to work with on a job board and then see if you know anyone with connections to that company. Personal recommendations are exponentially more meaningful to potential employers than online applications.

4. Apply to a Large Number of Jobs

People rarely get the first job on their list. Chances are high that forty other people applied for the same position and at least a few of them are more qualified. Because of this, you must apply for a large number of jobs. Send your resume to ten employers because eight of them may not grant you an interview. The more jobs you apply for, the more likely it is that you will find the perfect one for you.

5. Consider Volunteering

If you do not have the necessary experience to get the job you want, consider volunteering. It will give you more experience and show potential employers that you are serious and passionate about your career. Volunteering is also a great way to network, as it gives you an opportunity to create relationships with people in your field.

6. Create Achievable Goals

Staying positive during your job search is the only way to remain motivated enough to persevere through the rejection. Create goals that you know you can achieve. If you find yourself constantly failing to meet your daily or weekly goals, you will quickly feel burnt out and frustrated.

7. Take Care of Yourself

You first priority should always be to take care of yourself. While it is necessary to push through inevitable frustration during your job search, do not let yourself get burnt out by working too much and constantly dealing with stress. If you need to take a brief break to decompress and re-center yourself, take a break. You will not be able to effectively search and secure a job if you are not in a good mental or emotional place.

Additional Resources:


Launch of 7th Annual Course Connections on May 24th


NINE and DINE in a New Format!

COURSE CONNECTIONS is a one-of-a-kind event combining the art of networking with the joy of playing golf. Join us on May 24th for the launch of the 7th Annual season of this incredible series.

Newbies! We want you! Driving range practice is one thing. PLAYING is THE REAL THING!

Warm up on the range with Joe Haggerty, PGA Professional at Montclair Golf Club, followed by playing, hacking or just advancing your ball through 9 holes followed by a FANTASTIC Cocktail Hour of networking, light bites and camaraderie on The 19th Hole!


Consider These 3 Questions:

  1. Have you ever thought that you are you missing out on some great networking opportunities that take place on the golf course?
  2. Have you wondered about the correlation between playing golf to being successful in business?
  3. Would you like to be introduced to or play the game in an intimate, private setting with one of the top golf professionals in New Jersey?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions OR are a business professional OR in career transition, then please join me, Susan Ascher and Joe Haggerty, PGA professional at this special event:


WHERE: Montclair Golf Club, 25 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, NJ – a Platinum Club of America and one of the top 100 Country Clubs nationally.
ATTIRE: Proper attire for this event includes Bermuda shorts (no more than 2 inches above the knee), Capri pants, or a skort. Shirts may be sleeveless and collared or sleeved and un-collared. Golf shoes or sneakers are required.
CLUBS: Bring your own golf clubs, or we can provide them for you the day of the event. Any questions, please email Susan Ascher at [email protected].

If playing golf is not your thing, come join us on the terrace for more great networking, cocktails and light fare after golf!


  • 4:00 PM Arrival and Warm-up
  • 4:30 Tee Off with the Pro
  • 6:30 Cocktails, Networking and Lite Bites

1 Ticket – $179.00
2 Tickets – $299.00
3 Tickets – $399.00
Includes Golf Clinic, 9 Hole Scramble, Networking, Cocktails and Small Plates

$79.00 p/ticket
Includes Networking, Cocktails and Small Plates Only


Golf & Networking

Networking Only


> Master Networkers
> Accountants
> Attorneys
> Entrepreneurs
>Wealth Managers
> Bankers
> Sales Consultants
>Corporate Executives
> Executives in Transition
> Small Business Owners
> Anyone who wants to learn to play the game of golf
> Anyone who values quality networking


“Such a beautiful evening! Susan is the perfect host. I can see why she is such a successful life and work coach!!”

“Thank you so much Susan Ascher. Course Connections was so fabulous! I loved the golf lesson and golfing and meeting so many wonderful, accomplished people for the networking cocktail party afterwards. You are amazing at bringing people together.”

“I am so glad I attended this wonderful event. Not only did I get to play golf but I got to meet some amazing and accomplished people. I can’t wait for the next one!”