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Three Tips for Effective Virtual Networking During COVID-19

virtual networking

Business is on hold due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Much of America is either piecing together a strategy to work remotely from home or readying to join the (virtual) unemployment line. With so much uncertainty surrounding our economy and the jobs outlook moving forward – and the majority of the country confined to the home – there’s not a lot to be done on the networking front, right?

Wrong, say experts. In fact, now is the ideal time to make connections with current and future clients, vendors, coworkers, and perhaps even potential employers. While many companies and individuals alike are focusing on staying above water until the current threat passes, once the hiring  and buying process begins in earnest again, we may see a distinct separation between those who have continued to participate in the business conversation and those who spent quarantine hunkering down and waiting for opportunities to come to them.

Virtual Networking Tips

So, how can you network during this time of social distancing? Thankfully, the internet has provided us with more ways to stay in touch than ever. Here are a few key ways you can network throughout the COVID-19 crisis:

  1. Reach out via video conference. Sure, videoconferencing existed before social distancing swept the nation. However, between virtual schoolrooms, virtual office meetings and even virtual cocktail hours, the demand for video conferencing services has surged. In fact, the popular Zoom app was downloaded over 600,000 times in one day in March 2020. Currently, video conferencing via Zoom, Facetime, Skype, or Google Hangouts is one of the only ways to truly make a personal connection with your contacts.Just be sure to use this method with consideration for those on the receiving end and schedule meetings in advance so others have time to prepare. It’s also important not to over utilize the service, as Susan Ascher mentioned in a recent Inside Hook article: “In this age in which everybody is texting and emailing and not wanting to pick up the phone, all of a sudden, everybody wants to Zoom! It’s an oxymoron. Maybe that Zoom call could just be a phone call!” She cautions against wearing out your videoconferencing welcome: “There’s just a time and a place for it: Not every single chat wants to become a Zoom.”
  2. Update your networking profiles. With the world experiencing more time online than ever before, now is the time to make sure your LinkedIn and other networking profiles are up to date for recruiters, potential employers, colleagues and more. Ensure your recommendations are comprehensive – at least 4 to 5, according to experts – and at least one is relatively recent. Update your photo, fine-tune your experiences, and make an overall effort to represent yourself professionally online.
  3. Participate in forums. Online forums are quickly becoming 2020’s social-distancing-friendly answer to the business conference. Through a forum, you can glean advice from industry experts, gather insights from peers, find new resources, and perhaps even share some of your own. Better still, you’ll make connections within your business circle and open up to opportunities in other circles.

As difficult as these times are for businesses and America’s workers alike, it’s more important than ever to stay actively engaged with your career. Fortunately, virtual networking provides us with a way to maintain current connections, and even make new ones that could continue to show benefits once COVID-19 is behind us.

Additional Resources:

Susan Ascher Quoted in an InsideHook Article on How to Host a Zoom Meeting Without Incident

Originally Published by Inside Hook

The Zoom revolution is on. With an unprecedented number of American workers signing in from home, digital meeting places (Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc.) have become emblematic of business culture in this singular here and now: separate but together, unfamiliar and uncanny. And imperfect — perhaps particularly in the way they have become for many companies the default communication solution.

Susan Ascher, president and CEO of The Ascher Group, a consulting firm based in New Jersey, contributed:

Between you and me, they’re getting very annoying. It’s so funny to me: In this age in which everybody is texting and emailing and not wanting to pick up the phone, all of a sudden, everybody wants to Zoom! It’s an oxymoron. Maybe that Zoom call could just be a phone call!

Ascher’s takeaway: Understand the tool for what it is, and adjust accordingly.

I lead a mastermind, and once a month, [members of the mastermind and I] will meet for lunch together. One of them asked me if we could do a Zoom meeting, and I thought that made sense. Next week, one of my friends had a birthday on March 22, and instead of going out to dinner on March 31, we’re having a virtual Zoom cocktail with 10 people. That works — that’s fun. And I’ve had two virtual Zoom dates, with a person I met a while ago who popped back up, wanting to see how I was doing, and I said, ‘Why don’t we have a Zoom cocktail?’ And that was fun. There’s just a time and a place for it: Not every single chat wants to become a Zoom. Frankly, I think some bosses are needy in that respect and don’t know how to entertain themselves.

>> CLICK HERE to read the full article on

Your Trifecta Today

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Timely Conversations on navigating your life, your career and your business during the “New Normal” of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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We are truly living in unprecedented times. While we practice social distancing, many of us are trying to adjust to the fast-paced news cycle, turbulent market changes, and the realities of living and working virtually, etc.

To help navigate through these turbulent waters, we are combining the collective knowledge and experience of three experts in a series of live web conferences. Our experts represent the business, law and finance sectors and will address the impact of COVID-19 on their various industries and help clients, prospects and colleagues deal with the fallout of the crisis and plan for the post COVID-19 future.

What We’ll Offer

Each session will offer participants strategic solutions, address their pressing top-of-mind questions and provide vital information and resources.


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Session Schedule

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TOPIC #6:  Monday, May 18, 2020 3:00 to 3:30 PM

Peaks, Valleys and Plateaus: Why They Are ALL Important, Now and Always!

• What is your disaster plan?
• Taking a Risk? What does that look like?
• Investing in advertising and marketing! Why you can’t afford NOT to!
• THREE TIPS to keep your finances in check. Now and always!
• How to make yourself, your career and your company Indispensable


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TOPIC #5:  Monday, May 11, 2020 3:00 to 3:30 PM

Win, Place or Show? Where Do You Want to Be?



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TOPIC #4:  Monday, May 4, 2020 3:00 to 3:30 PM

Get Back on Track. What Track? It’s a NEW Track and We’re NOT Going Back!



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TOPIC #3:  Monday, April 27th 3:00 to 3:30 PM

Staying connected: developing your social capital

In a virtual world



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TOPIC #2: Monday, April 20th 3:00 to 3:30 PM

A life altering event happens: what’s next?



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TOPIC #1: Monday, April 13th, 2020 3:00 to 3:30 PM

 You’ve lost your job: now what?




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Who Are Our Experts

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Karolina Dehnhard, Esq.

Managing Director of International Law and Partner in The Matrimonial Group at Lindabury McCormick, PC

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Marcella Gencarelli

Vice President and Manager of Client Engagement with Lakeland Bank

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Susan Ascher

CEO of The Ascher Group,
a career and executive coach strategist.

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A Message from Susan Ascher…

Hello clients, sponsors, friends, colleagues and anyone whose life I have touched over the years!

My heart goes out to the thousands of victims, families and employees who have been affected by this virus. The health and safety of my clients is my utmost priority. Like everyone, I am closely monitoring the CDC’s recommendations and ”going virtual” to support social distancing.

As the spread of COVID-19 continues to impact how we live and work, I want you to know that I am here to support you and your business during these challenging times. This unique public health crisis is creating uncertainty and anxiety everywhere, and I have adapted my business model as needed to continue to support my clients and our suppliers during these challenging times. I am here and available to help with any immediate needs, and to reschedule your appointments if required, either via telephone or zoom.

Finally, Culinary Connections with Kerry Barrett has been canceled for Thursday April 23rd, and we are hopeful that we can reschedule this wonderful event for Thursday, June 18th , so let’s SAVE THE DATE AND KEEP THE FAITH!

As a small business, I am grateful for your continued support as we navigate the new normal together.

Thank you for being an Ascher Group client, sponsor, friend, and colleague! Can’t wait until we see one another again!



President and CEO
The Ascher Group

The Keys to Giving a Great Presentation

One of the most important parts of influencing others is getting your point across in a compelling and interesting way. Some people find giving presentations easy, but it sets most people on edge. In fact, according to Forbes, 10% of people are so petrified of public speaking that it’s simply impossible for them to do. Another 10% enjoy it. That leaves most of us, at 80%, with sweaty palms and nervous smiles when offering a presentation of any sort.

If you’re one of the 80%, you can still offer a fantastic presentation by using those nerves to convey the importance of your message. Talking in front of a crowd can be terrifying, but, as Harvard Business Review points out, it offers a powerful method for getting your message across:

“Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization.” 

Here are some tips for becoming a great communicator and giving a compelling presentation.

Do Your Research

While you may be confident in your field and your position, knowing the information and data you have to present forward and backward is the first step to confidence when speaking in front of people. When you deliver your presentation, you should do it with the goal of sharing what you know about the topic with others and working with them toward learning even more.

Less Is More

While it’s important to establish your credentials, saying more with less is far more impactful when you want to make a memorable impression on your audience. Some of the most influential speeches and documents in history have been incredibly short, so use this as inspiration when developing your next presentation.

Capitalize on Visual Memory

Humans are visual creatures. While a presentation audience member may only remember about 10% of the text seen during a presentation, that audience member will retain about 65% of the information conveyed with images, pictures, and visual aids. This pictorial superiority effect can be an incredibly potent tool when you want to deliver a powerful presentation.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use a Bit of Humor

In a professional setting, leveraging humor in a presentation requires delicate calculation. Add just enough and you’ll keep the audience interested and engaged. Humor can keep your audience alert as long as you keep things professional, tasteful, and aligned with your presentation.

Keep Things Natural

You certainly want to prepare for your presentation, but you don’t want to over-prepare, and sound completely rehearsed. Take time to review your notes and the key points you need to touch upon during the presentation, but don’t fall into the trap of reciting your presentation off a stack of index cards.

Find Help When You Need It

These are just a few basic tips to help you deliver better presentations. Susan Ascher is an entrepreneur, leadership coach, and corporate speaker, and author who can help you develop your professional skills, including presenting your ideas to others. Contact Susan today for more information about how she can help you give more polished presentations.

Additional Resources:

Culinary Connections – April 23, 2020 – POSTPONED!!

POSTPONED until further notice. Check back for dates.


How you present yourself to the world is crucial, and you don’t have a second chance to get it right. In this installment of Culinary Connections, our Emmy-Award winning POWER Presenter Kerry Barrett will discuss the importance of your personal brand and how best to prepare for your next close up!

Join us on Thursday, April 23rd, from 6-9pm, at Ristorante da Benito in Union, New Jersey for Culinary Connections, the hit networking series brought to you by award-winning Business and Executive Coach Susan Ascher. Culinary Connections was designed for professionals from all walks of business. Our community of master networkers are passionate about making the right connections while enjoying great wine and food.


With over 20 years of on-air experience as a news anchor, reporter, and producer on NBC, Fox News, and ABC, Emmy-Award winning Kerry Barrett knows what it takes to be performance ready. She has traveled to Iraq as an embedded journalist bringing to life an award-winning series on “Life in Balad”.

She interviewed heads of state such as Janet Napolitano, financial shaman Suze Orman, and top celebrities such as Bradley Cooper, as well as prepared luminaries for debates. She has proven skills that make her unflappable and unstoppable.


Enjoy networking and dinner with dessert and coffee to follow!

WHEN: THURSDAY, APRIL 23RD, 2020 • 6:00-9:00PM
WHERE: Ristorante da Benito, 184 Walton Avenue, Union, NJ 07083 |
COST: $159.00

Chef Benito Hissen’s gloriously old school restaurant, da Benito, is celebrating 34 years since its founding. Consistently delicious Italian cuisine, an award winning wine list, and service that is second to none make this restaurant one of New Jersey’s finest. Born in Northern Italy, Benito came to the United States when he was 16. He is a graduate of the French Culinary Institute, but before he earned that degree, he established his culinary foundation in a few imposing kitchens: one was the legendary (and now shuttered) Giambelli 50th Restaurant, long considered a sanctuary of elegance in New York City. Among his many guests have been Yogi Berra, Bill Clinton and Frank Sinatra.

Due to the nature of this very special event, attendance will be capped at 40 attendees.


Choose Tickets



Great taste truly meets great people at Susan Ascher’s Culinary Connectios events. This evening, we were captivated by the work, service and voice of hunger, Carlos M. Rodriguez, President and CEO of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. Mazars is a proud supporter / sponsor of both! — Tifphani White-King, US National Tax Practice Leader at Mazars USA LLP

“Great event last night Susan.  I hope to stay involved with additional events.” — Josh Weiner, Partner, Coughlin Duffy

“Clearly, you have built a fabulous network of people who want to continue to learn and grow through the opportunities you provide. “ — Renee Helfenstein, Director of Special Events, CFBNJ

Culinary Connections was a fantastic opportunity to network with a variety of professionals and learn about the exciting work done by The Community Food Bank of New Jersey. We’re already brainstorming opportunities to work together in 2020! — Tom Maroulakos, CEO, Skopos Hospitality Group

What are the Keys to a Successful Job Interview

A job interview can feel equal parts exciting and daunting, but it’s possible to not only make yourself feel more at ease about an upcoming job interview, but also increase your chances of having a more successful one. Job interviews are a necessary part of every industry; hopeful applicants try to secure employment at the organizations that appeal to them the most, and those organizations invest in extensive recruitment and human resource management to ensure they hire the right people for their open positions.

If you want to have a successful job interview, the keys to doing so are research, presentation, and confidence. For a greater chance of securing the position you want, take time to prepare so you can make the best possible first impression with your interviewer.

Researching the Position

Your first step in increasing your chances of getting hired is to research the organization to which you’ve applied. On average, less than 30% of applicants are asked to appear for interviews after submitting their applications. If a company has invited you to appear for an interview, you made it through one of the biggest hurdles facing many job applicants and should prepare accordingly. Take time to not only research the company but also their typical hiring practices, the job description for the position to which you applied, and industry averages pertaining to compensation and benefits for similar positions.

It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the company’s history enough to understand their values and what traits they’re likely to find most attractive in a job applicant. You can probably find quite a bit of information about the company if you take your time and search through popular job search and recruitment websites.

Present Yourself in the Best Possible Light

First impressions are crucial in virtually any type of interaction. People tend to make snap judgments about a person within seconds of meeting them, so keep this in mind as you prepare for your interview. Even if you’re applying to a laid-back company, dressing professionally for your interview is a must. This shows your interviewer you are serious about your application and want to make a good impression because the opportunity matters to you.

It’s also essential to bring everything you’ll need for your interview in a presentable form. For example, you probably submitted a CV or resume with your application, but it’s a good idea to bring a few hard copies with you to your interview. Additionally, make sure you can arrive at least 15 minutes early. Take time to check the traffic in the area as soon as you wake up so you can leave earlier if necessary. Present yourself as a clean, professional, and motivated applicant.

Build Your Confidence

Countless promising job interviews have taken sudden downturns due to applicants’ inability to find the line between confidence and arrogance. While it’s necessary to prove that you know your stuff and would be a great fit for the position to which you have applied, it is ultimately up to the interviewer to decide how good of a fit you are for the job. Demonstrate your qualifications with confidence; thoroughly researching the job description for the position in advance can help with this. Remember to prepare a few thoughtful questions for your interviewer, but don’t focus entirely on potential compensation for the position.

Interviewing for a new job can be daunting for some people but following these tips can help you feel more at ease about your interview and increase your chances of getting called back for a second interview or hired.

Additional Resources:

A Great Night With Chef Leia Gaccione and All Our Culinary Connectors

networking eventsA truly wonderful evening with Chef Leia at her marvelous South + Pine American Eatery.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for coming to Culinary Connections last Thursday!

Special thanks to our wonderful sponsors, Vince Egan, Benjamin Edwards, Karolina Dehnhard, Lindabury, McCormick, Paula Ferreira, MAZARS USA, Wendy Taffet, Enjou Chocolat, Josh Weiner, Coughlin Duffy, Marta Chodur, Marta Chodur Photography, and Raymond James, Vitruvius Productions.

I hope everyone enjoyed Chef Leia’s POWER presentation as much as her delicious fare!


(Click Photos to Enlarge)


We have one more installment of Culinary Connections for the season. Date TBD and definitely after April 15th!

Also, please SAVE THE DATES FOR COURSE CONNECTIONS, as Spring is just around the corner! YAY! Thursday May 28th, Thursday July 25th, and Thursday September 10th


Finally, I am always looking for additional sponsors. Please email me if you want to explore how to become one!


Susan Ascher


Great taste truly meets great people at Susan Ascher’s Culinary Connectios events. This evening, we were captivated by the work, service and voice of hunger, Carlos M. Rodriguez, President and CEO of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. Mazars is a proud supporter / sponsor of both! — Tifphani White-King, US National Tax Practice Leader at Mazars USA LLP

“Great event last night Susan.  I hope to stay involved with additional events.” — Josh Weiner, Partner, Coughlin Duffy

“Clearly, you have built a fabulous network of people who want to continue to learn and grow through the opportunities you provide. “ — Renee Helfenstein, Director of Special Events, CFBNJ

Culinary Connections was a fantastic opportunity to network with a variety of professionals and learn about the exciting work done by The Community Food Bank of New Jersey. We’re already brainstorming opportunities to work together in 2020! — Tom Maroulakos, CEO, Skopos Hospitality Group


Want to Improve Your Sales in 2020? Try These Four Tips

sales coaching

Every entrepreneur knows that increasing sales is the key to unlocking higher profits; it’s simply a fact of business that almost doesn’t need stating. However, sometimes we get so caught up in the end goal – whether it’s increased profits, wider reach, or something else – that we forget to work smarter so that reaching the goal is a natural extension of our carefully planned efforts.

Taking a step back to consider new strategies so that you and your team can approach your sales goals in an organized way can help ensure your success.

Sales Strategies That Work

Search the web for “proven sales strategies” and you’ll undoubtedly find hundreds – not all of them relevant to your market, industry, or business. However, the following sales strategies are effective across a number of sectors and allow for accommodations unique to your business.

1. Start with a Goal in Mind

You may have heard of SMART goals by now—those that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-oriented. Go into 2020 with a specific, measurable goal in mind. Don’t simply aim to increase sales. Instead, for example, aim to increase your sales by a certain percentage point. Then, set a time frame within which you’d like to achieve it. A great tactic is to set several short-term goals, perhaps by quarter, as well as an achievable long-term goal for the fiscal year so that you can measure your progress along the way.

2. Research Your Sales Leads

You’ve undoubtedly spent a great deal of time researching your target market, the specific subset of the population most likely to purchase your product or service. It’s equally as important to perform research on each lead you pursue before making contact. Ask yourself:

  • What are their business or personal goals?
  • What potential obstacles have they been trying to overcome?
  • If they’re working with a competitor, how can you improve upon that experience?

3. Talk Benefits Before Features

Once you’ve identified your potential client’s needs, it’s important to discuss how your product or service will meet those needs and provide a benefit to be gained.

It can be tempting to list all of the wonderful features and details of your product, but a discussion of how the sum of these can benefit your client provides a much better description of why they should buy. Then, a list of features can help you seal the deal.

4. Follow Up, Every Time

After making initial contact, don’t be discouraged when a potential client doesn’t purchase right away. In fact, it often takes repeated contact to close a sale; only two percent of sales occur at first contact, and over 80% of non-routine sales take at least five follow-ups before the final deal.

The lesson? Don’t give up after initial contact, second contact, third, fourth or fifth, and consider devising a solid email follow-up campaign that can help you keep account of your leads.

Strategizing to increase your sales can help you identify roadblocks before you encounter them and provide a cohesive approach to meeting your goals. Sales strategies are as numerous as the clients you’re trying to reach with them, so it’s crucial to choose a fleet of techniques that work for your business. The four listed here can help you build a foundation that will help you develop an effective set of strategies to meet your 2020 sales goals.

Additional Resources:

How to Develop Your Unique Brand Identity

how to build your brand

Modern consumers want to see authenticity from the brands they love, so it’s vital for any burgeoning business to craft not only a memorable and recognizable brand image, but also an authentic one. If you own a business and want to develop a truly unique brand, you need to think carefully about what makes your brand unique and let those values and concepts shine through all your marketing efforts. In fact, 89% of marketers report that increasing brand awareness is their top goal. If you agree with them, you need to know how to create a unique brand identity.

Research Your Audience

Every brand needs a niche. Catering to the lowest common denominator or casting too wide a net will only make your brand dull and bland. When you try to hard to appeal to everyone, you ultimately wind up failing to appeal to anyone. Think carefully about the products and/or services you offer. Determine which consumers would get the most value out of what you offer and tailor your branding efforts to them.

For example, if your products cater to a younger, trendy consumer base, your branding needs to reflect this with fresh and vibrant imagery. If your products appeal to an older, professional crowd, your branding should convey class, quality, and reliability.

Hone Your Core Values and Company Culture

Why did you start your business in the first place? What need did you see that you decided to fulfill with your products and services? What do you believe on a personal level that you reflect through your business practices? Modern consumers want to do business with brands that resonate with them on a personal level. The top talent you need to keep your business running want to see the same kind of authenticity.

Think carefully about the core values you want your company to hold and stay true to them through all your branding efforts. When it comes to your employees, make sure they know you are authentic and serious about your values and the type of company culture you want to build.

Create Content That Resonates with Your Core Audience

You took time to research your target market and developed your internal brand identity to attract employees who identify with your values. The next step in creating a unique brand is to offer your audience content that resonates with their beliefs, goals, and values. Imagine two brands that offer similar products at comparable prices. One barely does any type of valuable content aside from the occasional blog post while the other invests in social media outreach, engages actively with customers on various platforms, and consistently delivers new and exciting content that resonates with their audience. Which company do you think will succeed?

Content is a major part of modern marketing, so think carefully about the kind of experiences you offer through your products and services and develop content that delivers those experiences. This draws your ideal customers toward your brand and keeps them engaged.

Developing a unique brand is certainly a challenge, but there is vast untapped potential in virtually every consumer market in the world. No matter what type of business you run, maintaining an authentic brand image and delivering memorable and valuable experiences to your audience are some of the best ways to develop a unique brand identity.

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