Every where I go someone is talking about finding their passion, reinventing themselves or, as my publicist Amy Delman so brilliantly said it: reimagining themselves.
Oprah even has a 2 minute quiz to figure out your next step and improve your life.
So here goes:
1. Take this quiz, compliments of Oprah Winfrey. Two minutes to make you think about how different parts of your life can be improved.
2. If you haven’t already, read The Law of Attraction by Michael Losier. He tells us that we attract to our lives whatever we give our attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative. When I imagine meeting a potential new client at a networking event, they show up. When I haven’t spoken to an old friend in forever, they call. When I am looking for a new idea for my next book, I miraculously meet someone new and exciting and come up with my next great chapter!
3. Take a class about your passion. Like cooking? Take a cooking class. Like ballroom dancing. Go for it! Enjoy photography? Get a camera (not the one on your iPhone) and snap away. But for goodness sake’s, get out of the office, away from your computer, and step into the world of what may be your next “GREATNESS”.
4. Go to a networking event. NOT the one you have been going to for the last three years every other Thursday morning. Find one where you will meet new people, get fresh ideas and open up the universe to new possibilities. Start fishing in uncharted waters.
5. Develop a support system of friends, nurturers and fans: people who want you to be successful. Differentiate “friends” who are Dream Slayers from those who carry your torch.
Most importantly, spend just a few minutes everyday getting comfortable reimagining YOU! Life is a book filled with many chapters. They all have to be written by you!